
Homeschool? HELP PLz?

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okay i live in texas. im 15 and im a freshman school has a week left of school. i am fluncking lots of my classes i will not pass this i practaccly wasted all my freshman year. i would hate to be a freshman next year. so i would like to be homeschooled. so would it be better for me to finish school and go through the summer then when school starts to withdraw or should i just withdraw now. Can anyone give me some advice with homeschool. like the good things VS. the bad things. like Pros andCons. thx. SO MUCH!!




  1. Here is some information about homeschooling laws in Texas:

    You are right that your parents won't necessarily have to teach you, but they will be responsible for your education and will have to approve of you being taught at home.

    Here's some information on the pros and cons of computer based homeschooling:

    One thing you need to think about is WHY you wasted all your freshman year and ended up failing your courses.  If you had trouble staying on task while attending a school building, you may have even more trouble staying on task at home where there is no one to hold you accountable.

    You will need to be more responsible and self motivated if you are going to be successful at homeschooling.  It is not too late to turn things around, but you need to do so now, otherwise you will waste another year.

    If you only have a week left of school, I would suggest you just finish it out and then take classes over the summer in order to make up some of your coursework.

    If you are not planning to homeschool long term, then I would suggest talking to a counselor to see how you can make up the classes you failed and graduate on time using summer school or distance ed.

    Good luck!

  2. Finish out, then homeschool.  If you can pass ANYTHING, you probably won't need to retake this part in home school.

    Pros: Flexible hours

    Flexible curriculum (depending on your state laws)

    No wasted time commuting, listening to announcements, changing classes

    Cons: It's too easy to waste time if you don't stay motivated.

    You don't have any experts to ask questions of.  Not a big problem in 3rd grade, but unless your mom knows Math, and

    Science, and Chemistry, and Spanish, and History, etc. you will get stuck sooner or later.

    Curriculums can be expensive and confusing if you don't know what you are doing.

    No access to science lab equipment or gymnasiums.

  3. First, who is going to homeschool you?  You can't homeschool yourself.  Are you talking about getting a GED?  If so, you need to check with your state as to how old you have to be to get that.  

    That would stink to miss out on all the fun high school has to offer.  It may not sound great now, but in 20 years you'll look back and feel like you missed out on some great fun, not to mention friends.  When your friends are all at school, you'll be at home doing what and with who?

    Hmm...I would say, suck it up and do it over!
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