
Homeschool 4 days!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and i have a homeschool ball coming up in 4 days and i don't have a date! There's this guy i have a big crush on that i wanna ask, but i don't know if he likes me back. We talk every once and a while ,just veryyyy short convos. I see him 2x a week at church and he flirts with me sometimes. He is not a homeschooler and he is 17. How do i ask him if i don't know if he likes me back? I really wanna ask him but i just don't know how to. I don't wanna sound weird or whatever. What do i say?




  1. OK, breathe!

    Your first mistake is thinking that he will think it is weird for you to want a date with him. Alot of people think this way when they begin dating. Even if he does not want to go to a dance, or likes someone else, he will think more of you for expressing interest in him. He'll think, "Wow, she noticed me. She has great taste in men." He'll be flattered. He probably considers himself a catch. (Don't we all?) It is all in the way you ask. Be smooth. You are not declaring your love out of the blue, you just want a date. Everybody wants a date. It does not make you weird. I know it is hard to think and talk to a cute boy at the same time. They make your knees go all wobbly. It happens. Do not sweat it. Second, usually it takes a couple dates before you even know if you like someone or if you just think they're cute. He may not "like" you, but if he flirts, he thinks you are cute. Don't be concerned with that. That is not the point of asking him out. You want to spend time with him. Reciprocation is not important at this point. Just be concerned about the date. Once he gets to know you, then you can wonder if he likes you. For now, he is just arm candy for the dance. It sounds a little cold, but it will help to boost your confidence if you think in those terms for now. Always remember that rejection is not terminal and the world is populated with boys who would give their right arms to dance with you. Be bold. Show some class. If he says no, let him know you are disappointed, but then talk about something else. You could even ask him if he has a nice friend that he thinks could be your type. Everybody uses their friends to network when they are dating. That is how I met my husband. It is how my friend met her new boyfriend. Just stay polite, confident and positive. I suspect he’ll say yes and you’ll both have a great time at the ball.

    Go get’em tigress!

  2. Ahhh to be 16 ;)  What you describe is sooo common, so I hope you don't feel alone about this.  It is a difficult yet exciting thing.  

    I would say to him that you have a homeschool ball this week and you want to know if he'd like to go with you.  Simple and direct is a good approach.  

    Obviously the worst that can happen is he can say "no", but my guess is that he won't.  You are strong and will get though this.  

    Good luck :D

  3. Just ask him if he'd like to come.  The worst thing that will happen is that he'll say he's busy.  

    The best thing he'll say yes and you'll find out whether or not he is interested.

    Just say something like, "You know, my homeschool group is having a ball a few days from now, but you don't have to be homeschooled to come, we are all encouraged to bring a friend along, want to come with me?"

    This puts it in the context of a casual date between two friends, and leaves it up to him if he wants to turn it into a romantic type of date.

  4. "Hey, who's your crush?"

    He might answer..



  5. If you're not sure how he feels about you, suggest going as friends. After the night I'm sure it will become clearer how he feels.

    I took my (male) best friend to all three of my school balls. It's totally normal.

  6. You're making a bigger thing of it than it needs to be. Just talk to him one day at church or on the phone or wherever, be calm and casual just like any other day, and before the conversation ends, ask him. "So there's this homeschool dance comming up. Wanna go?" "Would you like to go with me to a homeschool ball? It's in a few days and it might be fun" You don't have to be his girlfriend or anything. You don't even have to like eachother in the way you're refering to. You can just go as friends and treat it like a friendly thing and see what comes of it. Who knows. You might find out he likes you. :) Good luck

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