
Homeschool in the middle of highschool?

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Ok I need to get homeschooled for the 4th quarter of my 9th grade year in highschool for reasons I do not want to discuss. Is it possible? I will be halfway done with 2 quarter classes like english and science i was wondering if i could complete all these courses at home.


By the way I live in florida if it matters.




  1. If you want to finish the last few months of the school year at home for medical reasons, I think you should talk to your school counselor to see if your school has a home bound program.

  2. If its only for a quarter, I wouldnt. It would be way more work than its worth. Since you are already in the middle of a bunch of classes, just finish them, you're almost done.

  3. I'd ask the school you'll be attending if they have a policy and what it is.  Just explain your situation and see what they can do.

    The more preparation you do, the better.

  4. Find out what the homeschooling laws are there in your state and what your school district offers.

    I'm on the west coast and our school district was the first in the state to offer a program in which parents could homeschool their high school aged students and get credit from the school distrcit as well as participate in the graduation ceremony at the high school.

    Our local high school uses American School for students who need to catch up or whatever. I only found that out after we already had chosen American School for our oldest son's high school curricula. Maybe your school offers something similar. Get with your teachers and guidance counselor and find out what's available.

    By the way you'd be surprised at the number of students and families that decide to homeschool at the high school level.

    Some of the info you might be looking for such as the state laws about homeschooling might be available online, if not then go to your local library. Ours has a pamphlet published by the state that has the guidelines and requirements in it.

    Do some web searches to find out what's available out there.


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