
Homeschooling help!!!!???!!!!

by  |  earlier

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hello i was wondering if anyone had any tips or anything to help me!!

i want to start homeschooling my going to be 9th grader and i would love to do either paces or online schooling can any1 tell me which one would be better and any site to help me ... i live in iowa so programs in iowa would be wonderful thanks a bunch!!!




  1. I have been in 2 schools in ACE School of Tomorrow and absolutely love this cirriculum. Am also about to be homeschooled using it.

  2. Secular:  Keystone High School online or correspondence program

    Christian:  Alpha Omega or BJU online programs.

    You can get a better education than with paces.....

    But if you want workbooks, Christian Light Education    

  3. Up north here, we have MN Virtual High School.  Maybe Iowa has something like that or maybe MNVHS would accept students in neighboring states.  Check it out.

  4. There are many home school programs out there for you to use. I recommend Alpha and Omega, Abeka, or ACE. All are pace type work where you work at your own pace. I would also recommend speaking to your parents and get their suggestions on which curriculum to use. If they need any help with home schooling please have them contact me through my web site below. They can also research different curriculum through my web site. Let me know if I can be of any  further  help. Have a nice day.

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