
Homeschooling highschool?

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Your child is perfectly normal and doesn't have social issues or any form of autism, do you homeschool your child through highschool or not? For some of you who homeschool, is your child in highschool?




  1. Of course.  There is no reason to stop using an educational system that works just because a child reaches a certain age.

    By high school age, the vast majority of teenagers are quite independent.  Many of these students are taking college courses by the age of sixteen and thus make a seamless transition into college.

    The reason they might appear "awkward" to school students is that the school atmosphere is a fake one unrelated to real life.  It is a shock to anyone who is used to being out in the world, learning and doing real-life education.  In the same manner, taking a typical schooled teen and placing them out in the real world results in shock and awkwardness.

  2. I have 2 highschool aged kids, and they are as normal as the next kid.  They both have chosen to homeshool through highschool.  

    I'm curious where you've seen all these weird homeschooled highschool kids that are shy and closeminded.  Are they not in the real world?  Are you so closeminded as to believe your highschool is the only "real" world?

    Homeschooling allows for so many opportunities outside of the classroom.  My kids have travelled over a good chunk of the world, met people from all different walks of life, and I think that has made them more open minded than people who never think outside their own little box.  

    They have also had the time (and inclination) to write novels and poems.  They volunteer their time helping out others, without any prodding or consideration of their transcript.  They are well rounded people who can talk with just about anybody they meet.  

    We live in the real world, not in a classroom :D

  3. I'm in high school and just started gettinh homeschooled.

    I'm not closed-minded, I'm FARRRR from shy, and I socialize more now than I did when I was in school.

    stop reading in stereotypes,  not all homeschoolers are the same.

    in fact I don't know any like how you described them..

    don't worry, homeschooling in high school is perfectly fine.

  4. Hey, I'm don't have issues.  I'm home schooling through high school, and I'm loving it.  And, my home school group, has a modest prom.  But when people hear modest, they picture long sleeves, long skirt, and a collar.  But there is such a thing as a modest, pretty dress.  Within the rules, my dress is very pretty, just with a shawl.

  5. This depends on the family situation, the learning style of the student, their personal preference, the public school district you live in and many other factors. Everyone, however normal they may be, is different and homeschool is not a perfect fit for every student. However, for many people it is the best and most enjoyable way to get an education. My child is not in high school yet, but will most likely homeschool until college. I do not know why the folks you've met seem so sheltered. However, if they are it is because they and their parents have chosen to be narrow minded and sheltered. Any foray outside of our home exposes us to many people and many ideas. You'd actually have to work harder to avoid diversity than to live with it. Homeschool can also be a way to broaden our minds. It is what you make it.

  6. My son is very normal and he get olot of time with his friends

    after school. besides during school you can only talke to your friends during lunch when your in high school and in between class for a minute so you are not missing alot.

    He loves to be homeschooled. He gets all his work done and he has the rest of the day to do whatever he wants.

    I would not change a thing or put him back in highschool.

  7. My daughter is normal.  She is homeschooled and she is in 9th grade.  She gets plenty of exposure to the "real world", unlike those kids locked away in a high school classroom, which incidentally, does not even vaguely resemble the real world we encounter as adults.

  8. We decided, at the beginning of middle school, to homeschool *in part* because our son developed some social anxiety while in the public school system.  We had been thinking about it anyway... this simply got us moving.

    He was the victim of bullying - including verbal abuse by one particular teacher.  It still makes me mad when I think of it...

    He is also gifted and the school system was not serving him well in that area either...

    Now that we have homeschooled for a while, his social anxiety has greatly diminished and he is out and about with kids in pure social activities all the time...

    He has a goal of attending a top university... his chances of realizing this dream are greatly increased by homeschooling. He is getting a better education this way.  He is learning a whole lot more than he would in a PS setting.

    He is also getting more social opportunities than ever - it is hard to keep up with all that is going on sometimes.

    I get so tired of the socialization / social stereotype and myth. It just is not true.

    Ours is 9th now... before this school year started, we thought long and hard about HS v. PS.  Ours is doing well both socially and academically... I truly believe that had we chosen to return to PS, he would not be doing as well in either domain.

    Kids are kids. People are people.  Homeschooling, as others have pointed out, actually affords a kid more diverse social opportunities than a closed system ever could.  It is up to the family and the child to take advantage - that is real life.  When you are out of the cloistered world of a bricks and mortar school (e.g. graduate), you will have to pick and choose everything!  Homeschooling more fully reflects real life / the real world than does PS high school.

    People seem to have this preconceived erroneous notion that homeschool students just sit at the kitchen table all day. Very little of my son's learning takes place in the home... he is in external coop courses, took that ACT at a college campus yesterday, has been accepted into a year long university science program starting next year where he will be working with industry scientists and professors in a college chemistry / biology lab.

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