
Homeschooling on the computer?

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Hi! I'm a sophmore in high school and I was wondering if there was anyway that I could take online high school and still get my diploma? Would colleges not except me because it wasn't a real school (i mean physically, it doesn't exist)? Are there any good schools out there? Because my mom can't teach me, she has to work, I don't have a dad, and I can't afford private school. I am literally depressed at my school now. Serious answers only please. Thank you so much!




  1. If you are depressed you need to see a therapist, isolating yourself will just make it worse. Believe me. talk to your parents. I know this from personal experience.


    i go there. and i love it.

    the social interaction is not bad because they have a online forum where kids that go there can get on and talk to all the other kids, they only offer it in certain states tho so check it out and see if its in your state.

    I have always hated school until now... i absolutely love it now

  3. I know an online high school which is private and you can afford it. It is accredited and international too so where ever you are you can take learn. With this you can study at your own pace.

    I have listed the website of the school so that you can check it out for yourself.

  4. Home schooling will not help you with your depression. With it, you  will miss social interaction that will help you live a healthy social life that you need to become a productive citizen of your country.

  5. Im in Ga....we have there Performance Learning part of our schools...they do online school work instead of traditional book work...ask and see if your system has something like this...good luck...peace out

  6. Yes, you can homeschool and still get into college, you just need to meet the admission requirements of the school you may want to attend.  Here's a list of homeschool friendly colleges and university.

    Online homeschooling is a great option if you are self motivated and will complete your work.

  7. Colleges will take you regardless of where you schooled, as long as you have some proof of your abilities. This will depend on the college, but SATs are common, perhaps an essay as part of your admission process...

    Check in on the Get K12 link to see if it's available where you live. Then you have to click on where you live to see if high school is available. You can also try Connections Academy or just try doing a search for virtual school and your state.

  8. okay don't listen to the first dude who said you'll miss social interaction. Look, I do Ecot. It's an on line school, and I know so many people that do it. I also know people that have gotten a high school diploma, and got accepted into good colleges.. and as far as the social activities go, you said you were depressed at that school, so obviously you don't care too much about still being active in those activities. I do lots of things when I'm not doing my school work, and it even gives you more time to hang out with your friends, and it gives you more free time. It's easy too, I got a 4.0 GPA last semester, and it wasn't even all frustrating to keep up with my work. I say all kids should do on line schooling.

  9. You can homeschool and still go to college... if your mom is not going to be very involved it might help you to have the oversite of an on-line school.

    Here are a few: (christian) (secular) (christian and secular programs available) (secular)

  10. i go to the

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