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how much is homeschooling monthly.please tell me some good answers.i hate highschool but i dont want to drop out so i want 2 do it on the comeputer HELP!!!!!!!!!




  1. It sounds like you really want an online school, not actual homeschooling.

    If you sign up with a virtual charter or public school, like, Connections Academy or others out there unaffiliated with these two, then they it is free. If neither of these two are available where you live, try doing a search for [yourcity] virtual school or [yourstate] virtual school.

    If you sign up with a private school/company, the monthly cost will depend on the school. Some don't have monthly payment plans--you have to pay for a full semester or a full year at once.

  2. There is no monthly fee.

    There may be some start up cost, however this is very minimal.

    Use the library, and the Internet extensively, and buy the books from discount suppliers.

    Home schooling is an alternative to conventional schooling; you decide with your parents what to spend or how to go about it.

    Look on this web site what your states requirements are first.

    Secondly look for a local home school association who can help you in the right direction by letting you know what is available in your area for activities, and coop opportunities.

    Home schooling means that your parents are either going to be your primary instructors, or guides, and that you, and your family take complete control, and responsibility for the direction of your education.

    Here are a few websites, and a book title that may be of some help to provide enough information for you, and your parents to get started.

  3. It can be expensive. You 1st off have to buy curriculum, which is either books, or a computer curriculum.  I currently use books and they can be really expensive. My mom found some books on Ebay (new) that I use. The reason they are so expensive is because (for example) my math book has 4 books, the teacher key, the test book, the workbook, the teacher key to tests. I like A Beka for my math. Monthly it isn't that much if you buy it all at the beggining. You will need curriculm, pencils, pens, notepads, etc.

    If your parents won't help you there is a thing called un-schooling. I will put link in source.

  4. It depends on the type of online/virtual high school you take. All the online/virtual high schools have what they charge monthly, so I advice that you go to a website which provides almost every information about homeschool and I have one in mind I want to share with you.

    When you go there you will see a list of schools to choose from, so you can click on a school and browse through their website to find out about their tuition per month. So when you do this one school after the other it will help you find the information you are looking for.

    I have listed the website that I want share with you below.

    I hope the answer that I have provided helps you in solving your current problem.

  5. Definitely look into it. I think you'll be happy.  You can find the answers in a lot of the websites on it.

    It takes self-discipline, so if you have what it takes, then go for it.

  6. You should check out the requirements to get your GED.  If you qualify, take the test and then contact your local community college and begin taking computer courses.

  7. Maybe you should look into this program:

  8. That depends wholly on what you want and how much you/your parents want to spend.

    If you want to homeschool proper, you can do it for very little if you can use the library, free websites, op-shops etc. My parents homeschool me and my siblings for approximately $50 a year.

    If you want to 'do it on the computer', you're talking about distance education rather than homeschooling. There are both public and private programmes available. Hence there is no single price per month, the cheapest are free and are effectively 'doing public school at home'. Or there are the providers who are akin to private schools (and 'doing private school at home'); just like any other private school, they all have their own fees schedule.

    If you (and your parents) choose to go with distance education, you'll have to find out what is on offer in your country/state and check their fees, enrolment procedures etc with the schools direct (eg NTOEC or SIDE in Australia; Oxford Homeschooling or Mercer in England; K12, Calvert, Penn Foster etc in the USA. Other distance education providers are available).

  9. Most of my friends are homeschooled, and I was myself -- from 7th grade through high school. Most of us (including myself) just take the CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) and finish high school in a community college. Maybe each state has an equivalent test. I don't know what it's like in different places, but the CHSPE is the equivalent of a diploma, not just a GED. This seems to be good route to go, for people that want to get out of high school and get things moving.
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