
Homework for kindergarden?

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My daughters is 5 in kindergarden and on vacation but her teacher didnt give her homework Can you tell me a website i can go and print out some assingments for her.

Thank you!!!




  1. you should make flash cards!!

    they are soo fun

    i loved them as a child and it will teach her to read and spell

    you can ask her to read the word on the flash card.. then hide it and ask her to spell the word she just said

    start with small words first of course then work it up.

    also try those nifty little leap pad learning DVDs

    they look like a blast

  2. I'd vote also for online stuff, you obviously have a computer, and computer work is something every school is pushing even in kindergarten. is good, as is

    If you really want paper work, is really awesome, it has a bunch of preK to kindie type things.

  3. You are doning a great thing but also remember that cildren need time to be children so don;t try to work her to hard over break...

  4. If she wants to learn, why dont you help her start reading. Buy her a coloring book and young word searches, ect... they aren't exactly homework, but they will expand her creativity and ways of thinking.

    Start showing her how to add... start with 1+1, 1+2, 1+3

  5. Look on some of the websites for teachers/lesson plans.  You can look under grade appropriate curriculum.  Also, try some of those paper back workbooks in a bookstore.  They also have some very good educational sites for children online.

  6. There is a website that she can go on, and helps with letter sounds and reading.  My daughter is the exact same way I think it is great and she loves starfall. also has activity you can get for her.

  7. is a great website. Good luck, Hope I helped!

  8. At this age kids do not  really need homework. You can get English and maths type homework books from newsagencies designed for various ages.

  9. shouldn,t 5 year olds be out playing in the mud?

  10. hmmm.. your child is still young though she needs to learn

    here is an advice why not turn every lesson into a game wherein the two of you will enjoy like in reading:

    teach her how to read by singing a song or reading rhyming words and try to put some action into every words.

    in math make her feel that she's like in a quizbee.

    combining games and learning is a great way to teach a child. also it will serve as a moment of bonding between parents and child.

    try to invent your own activities for your child it will be fun. we may be a bit old in our age but still we can be as young as a child in our heart.

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