
Homo sapien help!!!!?

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i need help with some questions.....

when did homo sapiens live????(what were the approximate dates??)

what type of shelter did they live in (tents, caves, etc.!!)

what tools did they use???

current research (includes 10-20 years ago) archaeolicial studies being conducted??? (is anyone currently working on research???

thanks a lot!!!!





  1. The DNA "clock" puts homo sapien as 350,000 to 400,000 yrs old, but the oldest fossile evidence is only about 200,000 yrs old. Homo Sapien first migrated out of Africa to the mid east about 100,000 yrs ago & most agree that at least 2 periods of sapien migration took place out of the Mid East.  The 1st group migrated along the shorelines to India & on to S.E. Asia about 80,000 yrs ago. The 2nd group left the Mid East about 40,000 yrs ago.  One hypothesis suggests the erruption of the super volcano Toba, in Summatra about 75,000 yrs ago, very nearly drove homo sapien to extinction & completely destroyed the early homo sapiens that'd migrated out of Africa. At any rate the 2nd massive out of Africa migration started about 40,000 yrs ago.

    Homo Sapien used caves in early prehistory as did most lines of homonids prior to them.  Because other shelters would have been built out of perishable materials, we have no indication they built shelters until they moved north out of the Mid East & built some using mammoth tusks & hides.

    I'll have to get back to you on current & new dig sites.

  2. her'es the basic rundown.  YOU ar ea homo sapien.  "Homo" in your Genus and "sapien" is your Species.  Homo sapiens have been here for a couple hundred thousand years.  obviusly the earliest ones didn't live in tents, they lived whereever they could find shelter.  the were forgers and had to be able to move around..especially because the 1st ice age hit and they had to learn to adapt.  tools were basic sharp rocks that they would "pound" into a point so that they could hunt.  archaeologists are more focused on "older" species than homo sapiens generally, so i cannot think of any current excavations involving homo sapiens....

  3. homo Sapiens appeared 400,000million years ago. For food they hunted, fished, and collected seeds. Their tools were just various sharp-edged stones or pieces of wood.

  4. Well we have one I think is alive and  we call it "the president".

  5. You are a Homo Sapiens...

    Are you alive right now?

  6. You're a homo Sapien.  So whenever we evolved, until now.

    Our species have lived in caves, then tents, huts, houses and eventually apartments and condos.

    Everything from rocks and sticks to F22s and Nuclear Submarines.

    I have no doubt that anthropologists and archaeologists are still studying man; not just the dead and gone kind- but the living kind all over the world, in every country.

    Digs in Alexandria Egypt, Alexandria Virginia; Jerusalem & the rest of Isreal; etc....

    Depending on what the teacher is looking for (asusming its a school assignment) you can try

    Its the website of the Archaeological Institute of America; includes links to field schools.  they don't focus on prehistoric times, so you might need to look elsewhere if your teacher is looking for prehistoric.
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