
Homosexuality if its so wrong????

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why is it practiced so much in muslim countries

countries such as afghanistan, iran, northern pakistan, etc.

homosexuality is becoming very common in men

men in northern pakistan are praying 5 times a day keeping 4 wives veiled yet they themselves are having g*y s*x constantly

same goes with iran and afghanistan both such fundamentalist muslim countries

and g*y s*x is around the corner

why is this happening

your responses?




  1. Only Wahhabis practice homosexuality and they are followers of Iblis.

    Iblis is MONOTHEIST like Wahhabis but Wahhabis can never pray as much as Iblis.

  2. Shouldn't this situation happening be enough proof that there are homosexuals every where and that just marrying again and again will not get rid of such feelings? The person is obviously not happy with their heterosexual mates, thus they feel they need to fulfill their sexual needs outside their marriage.

    I must correct you, homosexuality is also found in other parts of Pakistan, not just in the Pastun region. There are underground homosexual communities all over Pakistan, especially in large urban areas. And not just in Pakistan, but also in other Muslim countries. Deny it all you want, but homosexuals are born homosexuals. Nothing more to it.

    There is only so much a person can take of being told, "Its a sin." Once you are miserable and stuck in a marriage, I don't think it matters any more.

    Edit: The person giving the examples of smoking and alcohol. Those are addictions. There are physiological reasons why people do those things, once you start smoking or drinking your body gets used to it and craves it more. It is not the same as the desire to be intimate with members of your own s*x. So do not equate them to homosexuality.

    Oh and homosexuality has been around for ever, so don't say the judgment day is near. Because it has been going on right under your noses. Just because no one talked about it before, didn't mean it didn't happen. There is nothing in the Quran about homosexuality being a sign of judgment day being near.

    Funny how most answers are male centered. There are lesbians in this world also you know. Its not always the innocent wife that gets cheated on. Innocent husbands are also victims of such marriages.

  3. And this doesn't tell you that Judgement day is near? I don't know what do is this isn't a clear sign.

    Also, just because a lot of people do something, that doesn't necassarily make it correct.  

  4. I basically agree with everything mouse said, there are homosexuals in every culture and they've been around since forever. Choosing to be naive and pretending it doesn't happen in muslim countries is plain stupid, and saying its proof that the apocalypse is near is even more moronic. every people through out the ages thought they lived in the end times, nothing is changing you just need to open your eyes and stop being so close minded.

  5. Well i would like to know is how you know all this? i am confused, because homosexuality is one of the worse sins ever!! These accusations are shocking to me, but i am hoping you are wrong.

    Edit-- Well my opinion is that this is sad... I am pretty sure they are not considered muslims anymore due to this "queerness" lol but i hope it does not continue...

  6. oh noes i hate g**s they better stay out of morocco or they got something coming

  7. If what you're saying is true, may Allah help us.

    love for all, hatred for none

  8. those who force women to vile themselves are not practicing islam the right way, allah gave us the choice to choose what we want to do weather its right or wrong because in the end allah will deal with our actions as well as those who choose to be someone else then what allah has ordained for them as in changing there sexuality, lets face it allah says he has made man for women and women for men. two men cant procreate a baby.

  9. Oldest saying in the book but hey, if everyone was jumping of a cliff would you do it too? Heck no, just because they may pray 5 times a day and have modest wives doesn't mean they aren't subject to sinning. Anal s*x is haraam and yuckie, period. It disgusts me that after work you go to your "boyfriends" house and do haraam things. Then a couple of hours later you come home to your wife and children. Can you say, double-life? All I can say is that InshAllah they stop, Allah forgives them, they never do that again, and they stay loyal to their wife/wives and enitre family.  

  10. All this haram stuff being committed by muslims shows that the day of judgment is near.  

  11. If, for the sake of argument, all Muslims started worshipping a cow, does that mean nothing is wrong with worshipping cows?

    You believe that truth is with the majority or something?

  12. Maybe they are weak and giving into their nafs, you can't just judge people in Muslim countries who is to say they will be implementing Islam properly, there are good and bad people regardless if it is Muslim country or not.

    LOL but that does not mean if all these men as you claim are praying etc makes it okay to practise it since when something is Haram it is Haram and no one can change that.

    @ Faraz LOL go easy on him and lower your gaze if you think he is attractive

  13. You raised several points with this question.

    Those who say doomsday is closing on us and this is an expected symptom are very likely correct.

    Homosexuality/lesbianism are definitely haraam.

    Sadly, particularly in western societies, many excuses are made for it, but I have often wondered why no one at all....ever admits that EVERY homosexual act committed is done by choice.

    Yes, that applies to normal human relations as well because every sexual liaison of every type is done by choice.

    Many like to use publicity generated by the homosexual community to justify their choices unto themselves, but it still remains that those who choose to be aberrant in their sexual behaviour will have to face Allah with their choices when it is their time.

    Even more sadly, homosexual acts are most often kept secret, but the diseases that follow and accompany these barbaric sexual escapades are far too often brought home to unsuspecting wives, and when the effects of the diseases surface on the wives the worthless, cheating, irreligious husbands very often beat the poor women and many such wives are disclaimed by their worthless, cheating, irreligious husbands.

    (Sorry for the repetition, but widespread truth warrants this repetition)

    While on the subject of transmitted diseases, they are not limited to human STDs, but are often the result of sexual contact with animals. Once again, the diseases so contracted are often brought home to unsuspecting wives. Statistics are not necessarily infallible with this subject, but it appears that the country where this is most common is Afghanistan, and the intensity of the problem surfaced with the fall of the


    Why does this happen?  As has been reported throughout all recorded history, hypocrisy is everywhere, and today it is practiced to suit the mindset of anyone who knows they are doing wrong.

    A point of agreement: Islam does NOT demand that women and girls be veiled.  That is a custom/tradition in some Muslim sects. It is nothing more than that.

    It is entirely possible that it is favoured and supported by jealous and weak-minded men who are afraid there are too many other hypocritical men very much like themselves who have much too little self-control to refuse any tiny temptation.

  14. Uneducated Afghans, Pakistanis and Kashmiris maybe practicing it but it is not legal and not acceptable in any other religion of the world.

  15. idk, ask the homos.

  16. its a known fact. people do not elect to be homosexual. they are born that way and it has existed throughout history in all cultures and countries. so the best answer would be, why does the gods want to kill them if he made them that way? why not read something besides the torah, bible and the koran and learn the truth.

  17. whoa i never knew this was popular in religious muslim countries. Though things like this only occured in the west. I guess these guys are just hyprocrites. They choose to only follow parts of Islam that they want to follow and ignore the rest, disobeying the rules of Allah swt and the holy prophet saw.  

  18. smokings wrong in every way. y's it practiced in every country.

    people are bein dumb

  19. because they are insane

  20. Islamic views on homosexuality have always been influenced by the rulings prescribed by the Qur'an and the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammed. Traditionally, Qur'anic verses and hadith have condemned sexual acts between members of the same s*x !! The legal punishment for sodomy has varied among juristic schools: some prescribe capital punishment; while other prescribe a milder discretionary punishment!!!

    Despite this, homoerotic themes were present in poetry and other literature by some Muslims which celebrated male love, and were more common than expressions of attraction to women !!

    Seems Like they are just misguided or they Got g*y dominent genes in them !

  21. well it's practiced everywhere, which basically shows that the day of judgement is approaching

  22. Well, it is definately wrong. Not only that, but they are being hypocrites, too. Having wives, yet cheating on them. Look at it this way. Smoking is wrong, yet everyone does it. Same with alcohol. The reason? They have been misguided by Shaitan and/or fell into peer pressure. May Allah swt lead them to the right path and let all of our sins be forgiven, Inshallah.


    By the way, this shows that the Day of Judgement is near most likely. I mean, when did people started doing these crazy things?

  23. NSWE ME NOW;...

  24. astughfirallah hil 3adheem ya rabi, may allah, swt, guide us all.

  25. theyre wives r probably 2 boring from bein locked up all day theyre boring in bed too, and dsnt satisfy them. lol they need satisfaction n if theyre friends r bored too, everyone cn join the party

    lol jk jk  

  26. Because

    they choose to disobey ALlah

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