
Honors Class vs. Normal Class?

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So i'm in the 10th grade and i'm currently taking Honors Algebra II.

Last year, i took Honors Geometry but i wasn't doing too well..My semester grade was around 77. This year, i wanna do well in school, especially since college is a big thing for my family.

So i was wondering is taking a honors class and getting a low grade (70-80) better than taking a normal class and getting a high grade (90+)? THANKYOU!




  1. Take the regular class and excel. You don't want your grade point average affected by this - don't take on more than you know you can handle otherwise you are just creating unnecessary stress. If you take an honors call and get a 70 a college will not be impressed. Show good decision making by selecting the class that you will benefit the most from. College look at extracurricular things too - so take regular math and do something else fun on the side.  

  2. Colleges would rahter see your gpa @ around a 3.5 (low "b's" high "c's" ) averavge with you taking Honors classes then a 4.0 (a's) and took simple classes... If your planning on going to a decent university that is. I know this because my motherr is a teacher and she tells me this all the time. Do your best- and dont stress! Strive for exellence and study hard and you'll do great!

  3. i took algebra II honors last year and i didnt do too well in it so im taking some g*y class called afm this year instead of pre cal.  i would suggest doing your homework. something i didnt do.

    and getting a mid B in an honors calss is the same as getting a low A in a standard class i think

  4. that is a good point you raise. colleges are always looking for good grades. they are also looking for any honors classes you took. if it were me, i would go with the easier class ansd get a better grade. these are the three things colleges look for.

    #1. SAT scores


    #3. extra curriculars

  5. take honors it is good for your college application. trust me.  

  6. I don't know if honors classes are weighted, but if they aren't they should be. Because an honors class is harder a lower grade in an honors class should be the same as a higher grade in a normal class. I would personally go with honors. It may be more difficult but you'll learn more.  

  7. i have no clue. why is the words on my screen suddelny soo small?

  8. Taking the honors class would help you not only look a little better to most higher-ranked colleges, it also will challenge you (hopefully—depends on the school) to stretch your brain a little more, making you a better person overall!

  9. Honors classes are almost at the level basic classes were thirty years ago.  I inheirited an honors class in third year Spanish some years back when their regular teacher was on pregnancy leave.  All girls.  Not one could carry on even the most basic conversation (time, directions, greetings), nor could any pass a simple quiz in anything but the present tense.  I gave them a book including paragraph long passages about Enrique and Maria at Buenavista High School and they couldn't read the first lesson without making a word by word translation into English.  I hadn't studied Spanish nor used it in over twenty years and I was way ahead of them.  It doesn't matter whether you are in an honors placement or independent studies.  If you are in American public schools, you are (as the Spanish say) escrudad.

  10. if you can get a b in honors colleges will look for that casue they know u tried, and if u get a c its a b in honors, and if u get a b its an A in honors, and if you get an A its really over 4.0. so it will benefit u to take it, plus it makes u look like a smart person.  

  11. I know at my daughters school you are assigned grade points to determine your gpa. You get more grade points for taking an honors course so, if you were to make a 77 in an honors course it would be the equivalent to making an 85-89 in a non-honors course at my daughters school. Check with your school. They should have the grade point equivalents.

    Here is my daughters:

    Grade     Regular     Honors

    95-100       3                              6

    90-94         2.5                            5

    85-89          2                               4

    80-84         1.5                             3

    75-79          1                               2

    70-74          .5                              1

    below 70      0                             0

    As you can see if you make an 80 in an honors course, you would get the same amount of credits if you made a 100 in a non-honors course.

  12. Honors classes always make you look better and at times they are weighted.. AP classes are weighted unless you have my Psych teacher--- who was being a complete ***.

    Honor high school classes were in my opinion easier than regular classes. Wanna know why? The teacher expected you to be intelligent and just go along with the lesson. In fact, I don't believe we did anything my english class except test and quizzes. Why? they expected us to know everything.... it was like the easiest A I ever got in my life...  

  13. first of all, they say that if you're good at algebra, you're bad at geometry, and vice versa.  so the two have no correlation.  how did you do in algebra 1?  if you were in honors algebra 1, and you got A's and high B's, then i recommend challenging yourself with honors.  also, think about your overall workload.  are you taking lots of honors classes?  do you have lots of extracurriculars?  would you have time in your daily schedule for the extra work required for an honors class?  also, remember, it's AWESOME to get a 95 or so in a grade level class.  there's nothing wrong with that.  good luck with your decision.

  14. i think you should take standard classes and once you get comfortable with those, and you're maybe in a higher grade, try the honors again. i tried AP (advanced placement) English in 11th grade. i almost failed, so the next year i took honors. if you dont do well in an honors class, just move down, there's nothing wrong with that.

  15. Yeah, definitely. Colleges always prefer honours classes, even if you don't do as well. They like to see that you're challenging yourself, and take into consideration that your class schedule is more difficult.  

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