
Hooking up computer with 2 monitors?

by  |  earlier

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hi i am running a vista atm. i am using a dell windows XP monitor which when plugged in works. but when i plug in my compaq windows xp monitor, the screen stays black as if its not connected to a computer. both monitors r connected to the back of my computer. i needed to use these special plugs so that both monitors could go in.

any advice on how to make the 2nd screen work?




  1. First, does your video card support two displays?

    - If no, are you using a splitting device ("Y" cable)?  In this case, the displays must handle the same display settings and you are just "cloning" the display

    - If yes, have you gone into your display settings (System Display Settings) and enabled the desktop to use the second display?

    Test: If you hook the Compaq monitor to the first port, does it work then?  If so, it sounds like you just have to work on the configuration inside the Display Settings on the control panel.

    ** Edit **

    Then you need to enable the second display.  I'm on Windows XP at work but recall Vista (which I have at home unfortunately) being fairly similar.

    Right Click on your desktop and select Properties

    Select the Settings tab

    Click the "2" icon for the second display

    Check the "Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor" box.

    At this point, you should have both displays available.  You may need to tweak the display settings for the display if it varies greatly from the other display (resolution, colors, frequency, etc...).

  2. if you go to control panel and click on display and in the settings tab you should see a number 1 and 2 squares if it is capable and if not then you will have to use a splitter which is not worth it.  

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