
Horse Riding Question:?

by  |  earlier

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My friend has horses and when I'm over there, I've asked her to critique my horse-riding skills. She says it looks like I'm holding the reigns correctly, sitting on the horse correctly, and placing my legs correctly in the stirrups, etc.

However, I feel like I'm riding up the horse's neck when I canter him. I am I sitting in the saddle incorrectly or is this just lack of muscle?

Any tips?

BTW, this is for Western.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Yea ,

    Go get lessons from a real trainer !!!!!

    you should not feel that you are sitting on his neck !!!

    You should be in the saddle .."The" middle and going with his flow ?

    Please.. this is t o hard to answer Since WE CAN NOT SEE You

    Please post a pic of you first ..

    then maybe some one here..... will tell you what is going on ???

    Yes lack of muscle might have lots to do with it !

    Plus her lack of knowledge and yours ...

    Reins ,,, is the way we spell them

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