
Horse Show Problems...

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Okay, i can place and win alot of classes but only in the canter classes, i have never places in a walk trot class!! he sets his head wonderfully and doesnt stop. But at the canter he cuts corners and doesnt set his head??? i ride english, and i know that the western jog is very pretty, but why cant i place in those classes???




  1. just practice more. and it might be the judges, some are very unfair

  2. Remember EVERY JUDGE IS DIFFERENT!!! So, taking that into consideration, practice more. It might be a good idea to talk to the judge (if they seem nice) at the end of the show, and ask them what their personal advice to you would be. I was in a similar experience once, and talking to a judge really helped me.

  3. work on your balance at all three gaits by riding a sequence of circles in different sizes and directions. then try serpentine changing leads or diagonals when you cross the centerline of your arena. visualize what a perfect ride is and make your self feel that ride. practice practice and then practice some more.  

  4. you arnt good enough...

  5. to me this sounds like an unfair judge.

    Try talking to the judge about it. ask her what you just asked us.

    I had a problem kind of like this at my last show. I placed very well in all my walk trot classes because my horse has a very natural slow jog (i show WP) Her lope was a different story though. She doesnt have the best lope and im not going to risk her cadence for speed. It wasnt horribly fast its just not as slow as other horses. i talked to her about it and told her why i dont slow her down and later that day she started placing me higher.

  6. well in walk trot canter the judge is looking for manners and the riders compadiblity while in walk trot they r looking for something really speciakl that catches your eye . maybe if you have different compitition in each class that is the problem make sure in your walk trot classes you are getting seen while your  trotting trot right by the judge like almost running him over but not quite lol it sounds dumb and i have  done it so i know it works but as long as you look good making the pass it is worth it. good luck

  7. ummm... u cant show in a class at the walk trot and canter then return to the walk and trot classes... once u do all three gaits (walk trot canter) u are ineligable to compete in walk trot...... so maby its because ur not allowed do do that ..u need a trainer to coach u if u dont know that....

  8. practice makes perfect hun , it wont just come over night . get him/her more fit and relaxed . sit light in the saddle , dont just flop , hold yourself.

  9. wut are u talking bout?

  10. I just did a show (i ride english too) and i wasn't doing so well in the walk and trot class' either. My other trainer told we to breath, smile, put my hands forward A LOT!!!, AND to lean forward more then i was. Keep your inside leg on so he won't cute the corners. About his head: I would say let him have more head and follow more, but keep a grip.

  11. Maybe you just arnt as good as the other riders. You might be doing everything right but as far as you know, they are doing it better. The fact that he 'sets his head' worries me. It might also be why you are not placing in whatever class. Judges can tell the difference between a horse with a 'set head' and a horse that is on the bit.

    Your question doesnt make much sense anyway. If he misbehaves at the canter then you shouldnt be placing anyway. What does western pleasure have to do with anything?

    You arent going to get 'good answers' with a confusing question anyway.

    It also might be hard for you to understand, but winning isnt everything.

    EDIT: If you just came on here to have people tell you that you are doing everything perfectly and the judges are just stupid, its not going to happen. yeah, politics and money are big but there are some REALLY good judges out there that dont judge like that. If you are doing everything right, then I dont know why you are not winning but I doubt you are. There is always room for improvement. Accept it and practice more.

  12. i'm confused, are you saying you only win at canter classes even though your horse cuts corners and doesn't set his head and you aren't winning in walking and trotting classes?

    I'd suggest talking to the judges and seeing if they will tell you anything or bring your trainer to a comp to see what is going on. Also working as a judges writer at a few comps will really help you learn what judges are looking for!

  13. I'm guessing you show Quarter Horses or Paints..

    You're probably winning because the class is judged on the horse and he probably has a really nice canter. Just because you can get the head down at the trot, doesn't mean he has a nice floaty trot.

    It could be that, but I really think it's the judge. If the show isn't just for Quarter Horses, Paints, or Appaloosas, then it's probably an original hunter show. They think that the way AQHA's ride are "unproper" and think that our english is just western pleasure with an english saddle on. They like to see the horse ride with its head up, not down and rounded. That's probably why you win the canter classes, because his head is up when he canters.

  14. IDK thats why i dont like english riding they care too much about how you and your horse look rather than how good you ride

  15. usually in flat classes, the judges just choose there favorite horse. it usually doesn't matter how good your walk or trot is, it just depends if the judge favors your horse and thinks it has the best package.

    trust me, i know from experience

  16. You can probably ask the judge (after you show ) if they have any advice for you and if they can tell you what they thought about your riding, they would probably give you good advice, and they would most likely be happy to help you.

    You might want to check your position when you trot, your position might be not great when you trot. You can ask someone to video tape you when you ride, that way you can see yourself riding.
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