
Horse show jobs?

by Guest33434  |  earlier

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is it possible to work at a show as a nurse/health care person? i know they have amublance at almost all the shows i've gone to, but i wonder is it possible to go to a show and be a nurse there?

i love riding/showing, but i also like to help people (why i'm in school to be a nurse) and i wondered if it was possible to help out a show like that? is it a good or bad idea to think about to try?

thanks for all the answers. and i'm talking bout when i get my rn to try this idea out.




  1. You would be better volunteering for St Johns ambulance service. They cover all the local shows. It certainly would be a very worthwhile job. Good luck to you.

  2. Try contacting your local amublance service, ie, St Johns.

    They will be able to tell you what you need to do to become a tranne and help them at shows.

    Horse shows need more people like your self, willing to help out, so many people want to compete, but dont want to be a volenteir.

    Good on you.
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