
Horseback riding fiasco

by Guest59764  |  earlier

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I have about 3 weeks to solve this problem:

I am with a trainer who i no longer want to be with. She has been helping me to buy a horse and i like a green 7 year old horse but she thinks that i can't handle training a 7 year old though i totally can...

I have to manage buying a horse, finding a new trainer and boarding it at my new stable all before school starts.

(i just got a rabbit by surprise and have been planning to get a puppy for months so i am having to make the tough decision of keeping the rabbit or not :( ... )

I was thinking of boarding at a nice barn and working with my horse every day and once a week having a good trainer give me a lesson once a week to work on something new with him?




  1. I like your proposal...sounds good. I know the feeling. Some people go by the philosophy "You can't teach an old horse new tricks." Some you can...some you can't. I hope you have luck in getting along with this other trainer and if you can't, set some time out for yourself to train it and don't even tell her when you are going to the specific area you train at for privacy, etc. Good luck and God bless!

  2. Hmmm... how long have you been riding, and is this your first horse? I wouldn't get a horse that still needs training for a first horse. You won't have any fun. I'm not saying get an old plug, just maybe consider something with a little more training, you could probably find something around the same age.

    And I wouldn't get a puppy. It's going to be a ton, and you will end up neglecting either your horse or your dog or your schoolwork

  3. well, lol are your personalitys meshing? you should move to a barn where ur friends are and can ride with them all the timer, and 2 go 2 shows with!!

  4. well, i'm going to assume that in life you are going to go thru alot of people that you dont agree with.  something in life you'll have to learn is how to play nice with others when they dont agree and to get people to do what you want them to do without them thinking you want it done (takes a bit but in life in general you'll find these two thing will make your life go easier)

    BACK to the horse issues your having.  before you do anything else, go get the horse vet checked, and while your at it get the most expensive check to make sure that the horse is going to be totally healthy (or as healthy as a horse can be)

    next, i wouldnt leave that trainer over this type of disagreement.  you can still by the horse against their advice and still work with the trainer (she sounds like she knows enough about horses to help you out alot, you're paying her so unless she just says no flat out, you can still have her help to work with the horse).

    is the horse green never been ridden at the age of 7? and why exactly do you want this horse? if you say it's never been ridden at the age of 7, then i wouldnt even touch that horse no matter how good of a rider i was.  a 7 year old horse that's never been ridden is more likely to break you then you break them. now if it's been ridden lightly/knows what ridding is, then i'd be more inclined to say it may be not that bad to work with the horse more.  

    i personally just think you should take alittle more time to think about it and even if you get the horse, try to stay with the same trainer unless she tells you she doesnt want to teach you anymore. at least this way you may learn how to work with people who disagree with you (you'll always have that in life,btw.)


    7 for a horse is young, but 7 to train a horse that's never been ridden isnt young. i know i like older horses (12 and up). . . b/c i dont want to train. like i said if it's been ridden and knows what being ridden is, then why not attempt it. if your trainer is just out for money, i'd have change a long time ago, you didnt mention that fact before.  sorta takes knowing most of the story to give half way good advice. i'm STILL learning how to get along with people i dont agree with, so i know that isnt fun, but if you dont think this lady doesnt have your best intersts then just go looking at different barns. good luck and i'd also like to suggest a first aid kit to go with the new horse.

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