
Hot Air Ballooning?

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Hello, I've never been on a hot air balloon trip and I'm about to go on one, every where it mentioned gratuity to the crew, but I can't find out anywhere how much is the "courteous" amount to tip them and how many people are generally in the "crew"? Do I tip each of them?

Any clarification would be greatly helpful, thanks!




  1. you are going to pay alot just to ride   forgot about the tip.. i say this because if you give them a certain amount they say too little cheap skate.. to much they call you irresponsible and i want to point  out a hot air baloon is dangerous.. you are at the mercy of the wind.. for example if someone went alof and did not check  the winds alof before going a certain way.. he could wind  up in a lot of trouble ok the only safe way is if it is connected to a long cable so you could pull it back down.

  2. bottle of bolly sweetie darling gorgeous....

  3. Didn't listen to the other guy. Hot air ballooning isn't that bad. True you are at the mercy of the wind but so are sail boats. If some thing does happen and let's say you run out of gas and you start to descend. Well woopty do. If you happen to loose enough heat the envelope then basically turns to a giant parachute and even though you will drop it won't reach too high of a speed. Also I have crewed on many hit air balloon flight in the chase van and there is always somebody following you. The probably wort part might be if you land in a place that is hard to find and you might have to wait. Once the balloon landed on a 5-Star golf course and of course it was hard to get in so the people had to wait a minute. Another time it landed on a nice lady's front lawn. Not that was fun so see her face. Oh well, basically hot air ballooning is safe. Oh and a tip wouldn't hurt. Its always nice to give a little. It like when you are at a resturant you would tip the waiter even though they still get a paycheck. Just food for thought. Well hve fun. If some of the words are out if place I'm sorry in using my phone.
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