
Hot date for friend....?

by  |  earlier

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basically, i have two best friends- one girl, and one guy. both know I really like the guy, and both know i've ended up in bed cuddling etc with the guy, which brings up a lot of p**s-taking remarks from the girl friend.

today we went shopping so i could find a birthday present for the guy. we couldnt find anything, then the girl came out with (jokingly) "why don't you buy him a hot date...?" then my guy friend kinda laughed and looked at me, but then said you can't really have a hot date for under £20. she then replied saying something like "its simple, you buy food and heat it up" or something like that, i managed to hear something about buying and something about heating up.... but I don't get if she meant

- i take him on a date


- i buy him some hot girl as a date

remember it was only a joke, i just need some help figuring out the context!




  1. Haha, that's tough, it could be your friend teasing you, as you like the guy and will be his "hot date" OR not literally buying a girl, but finding a girl and convincing her to be his date.

    I would go with the first one though, it seems more plausable.

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