
Hot dog issue? someone please help?

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i ate 2 hot-dogs i made by myself using a microwave and i only put 45 seconds and like i ate them and hours later i start having stomach pains i don't know what can it be I'm starting to think tapeworm but i dont want to i am freaked out here is tapeworm curable can i take medicine or what someone help ill give ya 5pts




  1. I don't think that your stomach problems are caused by tapeworm but more likely by Listeriosis. This is a bacteria that been found on raw vegetables, fish,poultry, raw (unpasteurized) milk, fresh meat, processed meat (such as deli meat, hot dogs, and canned meat), and certain soft cheeses.

    Persons with listeriosis may develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, and diarrhea.

    Listeriosis is treated with the antibiotics ampicillin (Omnipen) or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra).

  2. what did u put on these hot dogs...and how old where they... i always cook mine in the microwave and have no issues, with catsup musterd and relish...makes for a pretty good snack

  3. Tapeworms don't grow that fast.  I think you just need to p**p.  Hot dogs are actually "done" when they come in the package, we "cook" them to heat them up.  45 seconds is probably fine in the microwave, though you may want to go a full minute for two of them.

  4. Hot dogs are cooked by the manufacturer, you just heat them up a bit when you throw them in the microwave. Also, as was said earlier tapeworms take quite awhile to develop to the point of causing pain. Someone else mentioned the listeria bacteria - don't worry about that. The odds of exposure to listeria are very slim and listeria is only really a concern to those with compromised immune systems and pregnant women.

    Odds are it's just a minor stomach problem that you're making worse by worrying. Just have some 7-Up or ginger-ale or take some peptobismol, milk-o-magnesia, or something else for indigestion and relax.  

  5. Take some pepto and call it a night.

  6. it IS a tapeworm. those stomach pains are the worm hatching from the tainted hot dogs. the microwave speeds up the hatching process. too bad you didn't bbq them. tonite, in about 4 or 5 hours, you will feel a scratching in your throat. that is the tape worm trying to get out. if the tape worm doesn't get out that way, next he will try to escape out your bum. the only way to cure yourself, is if you dump salt and vinegar all over your body, and wipe mayo in your hair.

    good luck.

  7. This is not an etiquette question.  Wait a few hours or even days.  If the pain is unbearable, visit the emergency room.  If not, then take some Pepto and go on.

  8. well you could have tapeworm go make and appointment with your doctor right away....and drink lots of water to try to flush the raw meat out or it could be as harmless as the flu...and YES tapeworm is very curable

  9. ok if they're like a ready meal you're fine. otherwise you should look into it but in all seriousness tapeworm is unlikely. chances are its just the way you're colon is reacting to raw/undercooked meat but see a doctor anyway!

  10. nope not tape worm you have to be very thin an dthen you would suspect this and go to dotor and maybe not suspect it some people dont' every know but its not pain you proably ate too fast or maybe its just indigestion who konws its not serious.

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