
Hot weather ?

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hey how come in summer

we get hot weather & not at winter

& i no the earth twists or something

but like how come we sometimes have days in the summer when its like in the 60s,70s and some that are only in the 30s

please help ? i dont understand




  1. It normally depends on the airmass you are in.  The higher elevation of the Sun in summertime means more solar energy is received over a given area, since the Sun's rays are more direct.  Certain characteristics of the airmass dictate how much it can be heated during the day.  If the airmass just moved in from a colder source further away, like behind a cold front, then the air typically will not be warmed as much as air that originated from warmer areas.  Also, what can happen is as the air at your location is being warmed, it is blown away and being replaced by colder air, a situation meteorologists term "cold air advection".  

    Does that help?

  2. It's complicated, but a lot has to do with warm and cold fronts and where the jet stream is.  It could be mid-July in the Mid-west and be cold because of a cold front.  The jet stream also could move far North as it does, and bring mild temperatures in January.  Enough to melt all the snow and enough for even shorts and shirtsleeves.  What happens here is the jet stream brings all the warm moist air from the South, pulling from the Gulf of Mexico.  

    Theoretically, summer could be more sustainable in January because the Earth is actually tilted closer to the sun.  I've seen 60 degrees F in January and 80 F in February.  Reality sets in and the jet stream moves South again, pulling the arctic air from the North back to where it's cold in January through the end of winter.  

    Now as far as the cold and warm fronts go, they can come and go, or stay for days and weeks, moving around, changing shape, going back and forth and then go away entirely.   That is why it can be a week long heatwave of 90+ temperatures then a cold front goes through, colliding with a humid warm front with a big thunderstorm and now the highs are a refreshing 60 degrees during the day and a chilly 40 something at night.  The a few days later, back into the high 80's and humid.

  3. why you sound pretty confused. try looking it up?? that's what i always do
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