
Hotel Information for Guests?

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Hi Everyone! I was wondering if someone could give me a cute way to tell my guests that there are hotel rooms blocked at the hotel that is in front of the reception hall with all the hotel info they need. It's a Cinderella Wedding, and the invitations are done... and I forgot about this part. I would like to just print it on ivory paper, and stick it in the envelope... but I want to word it in a cute, cinderellaish, understanding way. I was only going to give them to out of town guests, but should I put it in all envelopes just in case people want to stay? The rooms have to be booked a month before the wedding in order for the block to stay. After the month before, they are taken back. Thanks!




  1. I agree with Fizzy...

    Just put on a small card (like a 3x5 index card), "A block of rooms have been reserved at _______ Hotel, located at ________ under the name _________.  If you wish to stay at the discounted rate of _____, please book by ________.  Rooms are not guaranteed after ______."

    You can always put a cute little clip art if you really want to "theme" it.

  2. Inform everyone, that way nobody drinks and drives.

    Tell them this:

    The King and Queen have reserved a place for you to rest you head after the festivities (or party, extravaganza, or you own word) at this venue:

    Give information: Hotel name, what to tell the hotel when they reserve the room, prices.

    Hope this night is as magical and fairytale for you as it will be for us. Sweet dream and make sure you put the pumpkin back in the garden and the mice in their cages. Oh and I want me shoes back when you are done with them.

    And maybe do a little note for their room as a thank you and a good night, but have the above as a to-do list with a mint for everyone spending the night there. Of course a joke.

    Good luck and god bless.

  3. I have found in my life that when you are giving people important information about something as important as hotel accomodations, it's best to just stick to the facts without cutesy-ing it up.  For instance, your guests will definitely understand "A block of hotel rooms at _______ Hotel has been temporarily reserved by the bride and groom for easier booking of guest accomodations" better than "Cinderella requests her royal subjects stay at the enchanted castle across from the Royal Ballroom."  See?  Most guests would get that second one and go, "WHAT????"  

    If you absolutely must make it sound Cinderella-y (which I wish you wouldn't) just put the basic facts, followed by something like "Book before (Deadline) or the room will turn back into a pumpkin, ha ha."

  4. I'm not sure about all of the wording but definately refer to it as a castle.  something like "your castle awaits at 123 fake st."  I think refering to it like that would be so cute with your theme.

  5. I think as far as making it Cinderallaish you should focus more on the look of the card (carriage or a glass slipper in the background or something) and less on the wording (as Fizzy so nicely pointed out).

    Maybe mention something along the lines as:

    If you'd like accommodations after attending the ball a section (don't like block personally) of rooms has been reserved at So and So hotel......

    I do like the idea of mentioning, "if reservations aren't made by this date the room will turn back into a pumpkin."

    Oh, and send them to everyone since you don't know who might or might not want to stay.

  6. I agree with "Fizzy", just pop the straight facts into the envelop so people understand what it means.

    Also, most people take the hotel information sheet as a separate thing to the invitation, so they don't have to "match" as a set.  People will open the invitation and see how lovely it is, think about RSVP-ing and check the date.  Then they will look at the hotel information if they need a place to stay/are traveling.  The hotel information is pure business by that point, so don't worry about it matching your theme.

    If you really want it to match, but a little "symbol" like a carriage or castle at the top or bottom of the print out, so it visually matches your invitations.  But I don't think that is imperative either.  My sister just popped the whole hotel brochure in her invitation with a sticker at the top saying when the rooms were booked until (given to her by the hotel) in her invitation envelops when she did her invites.

    Good Luck!

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