
Hotels in Bastille, Paris?

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Im planing on staying in Bastille due to the closeness of the trainstations. Ive read many reviews saying Bastille is 'lively and animated' what exactly is meant by this?? Is it a safe neighborhood? Are they friendly? Also what would you recomend as a nice hotel for a family with two teenage daughters? That is close to Gare de Lyon or Austerizt




  1. The Bastille area is indeed lively with a lots of trendy cafes and bars. You need have few concerns about safety anywhere in Paris as violent street crime quite rare. The area around the Place Bastille is perfectly safe.

    Let me point out that Paris is a very compact city and that staying someplace because its close to a train station is unnecessary. EVERYPLACE in central Paris is close to a train station.  In fact, much  of the 5th arrondissement is a bit closer to the Gare Austerlitz than anything around the Place Bastille.

    Take a look at a map of Paris. You will notice that the Gare Austerlitz is on the LEFT bank (ie south of the Seine) while the Gare de Lyon is on the RIGHT bank.  Which of these stations will you be going to?

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