
House Burglarized?

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My boyfriend and his friends rented out a house in Lima, Ohio for school. Their house was broken into yesterday and alot of things were stolen.... (PS3, XBOX 360, LAPTOPS, WALLET, MONEY, ETC)

They didn't have renter's insurance, so now they're out of luck.

If they go and get renter's insurance today, will it cover what was stolen yesterday?

ALSO... they called the police... the police officer came in, saw a cat the in house, and said "i'm allegric to cats" and WALKED OUT OF THE HOUSE!

He didn't bother to call another officer to come and check out the place, and no one else came... b*****d... (Is there anything we can do to report the cop not calling another officer to come to check out the place?)

and the darn thief took a c**p in the toilet and left it there as well... (CAN WE USE DNA?)

Is there any way we can track the ps3, laptop, or xbox 360 (serial number, online accounts using the xbox360 serial number)




  1. 1) No, you cannot buy insurance to cover an event that has already occurred.

    2) Call and make a complaint to the police department if the officer didn't even make a report of your burglary.

    3) No, you can't use DNA from urine or f***s. Stomach acid ruins DNA, sorry.

    4) Yes, provide the serial numbers to the police department. They will conduct an investigation and try to locate your stolen items through serial numbers. Depending how big your local department is, a burglary detective may be assigned to follow up your case.

    5) Did anyone take fingerprints at the scene? Either the original officer or a specially trained investigator should have attempted to process the scene for fingerprints.

    PS - Even if there is a remote chance that some sort of DNA could be analyzed from the f***s, like for example if there was blood on it, there is NO WAY that your department is going to pay to analyze the sample. There are much more productive (and cheaper) ways to get suspect information in a burglary, such as fingerprints, serial numbers, etc.

  2. I just went through this last Friday with regards to a copper theft.  The police did come in and do a very shotty investigation and then left.  I had to drive 4 hours to where the home was for my grandmother and go up to the city hall and start demanding to speak to the mayor and throwing a fit - I finally got the Captain to show up and he spent another 2 hours investigating what his officers chose to ignore - BINGO - we have a suspect and charges will be filed within the next couple of days.  

    If you want to get their attention you need to start at your city hall / Mayor and if that doesn't work then call the next police department above yours.  You will get some help if you stay determined.

  3. You can not get insurance to cover a previous loss, to try that is fraud and the insurance company will try to have you prosecuted.

    Most police departments don't investigate burglaries of houses or cars. They don't spend any time looking for the thieves.

    They make a report so you can file your insurance claims.

    You can always complain about the officer on this case.

    If you have serial numbers on the stolen items you should contact the detective assigned to the case, they usually patrol pawn shops looking for stolen property, it is the only chance you have.
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