
Housebreaking my 9 month old pug?

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yeah, i know. i'm a little late. i have tried everything. puppy trainer drops, newspaper training(he eats the newspaper) and now, i've bought this sort of tray(it advertises that the pee doesn't stain on paws) anyways, i'm desperate. any advice on how to housebreak this stubborn pug of mine will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!

btw, we live in a condo, so i'm trying to teach him how to do his business in the terrace...




  1. This worked well on all my pups and also adult dogs I took on

    I have never bothered with training pads. Take your dog into the garden every 30-60 min.

    Use a designated toilet area in your garden and let your puppy walk and sniff around the area. Keep it clean to ensure that he will not go somewhere else in the garden that is cleaner. By selecting a specific area, you are helping your puppy understand what you want from him when he is taken to that spot and it will be easier to keep clean.

    Every time she goes for a pee say "good girl nice pee (or whatever words you want to use) and give her a tiny tasty treat. Same with poo. These guys obviously don't know that we don't want them to do their busy in the house, there for we have to teach them. Be prepared they cannot hold their pee/poo for long so will have problems during the night. Their bladders are just so small. (Just like human babies).

    You should always try to take your puppy out at the following times:

    • Immediately after the puppy wakes up

    • First thing in the morning

    • Last thing at night

    • A few minutes after eating or drinking

    • After playing

    • After any excitement (e.g. after visitors greet your puppy).

    Sometimes dogs (adult dogs too) need to run around a bit to get the "systems" going.

    What signs should I look for?

    If you see your puppy sniffing around the ground, crouching down about to go to the toilet or actually going to the toilet inside the house, quickly get his attention by clapping, calling him excitedly and running to the door so that he will follow you out. If he is actually going to the toilet you may need to shout something extravagant to get his attention and stop him in his tracks (e.g. something silly like 'sausages!!!' will help as it is not personal or aggressive). Make sure the shout does not scare him as this will make him nervous and more prone to toileting in the wrong place. The purpose of the shout is to alert him. By doing so, he will shut his bowels and hold it whilst you walk him outside. It is best that he makes his own way out the door rather than carrying him out, as this will help him learn that he actually needs to make his own way to the door when he needs to go to the toilet.

    What if my puppy makes mistakes?

    You will need to clean the area thoroughly to get rid of smells. Note that household cleaners do not get rid of all the proteins that we cannot smell. Do not use any cleaner with ammonia or bleach, as it will smell similar to the ammonia in urine and the puppy will identify it as a toilet area.

    How long should it take to housetrain my puppy?

    Like all young animals, puppies do not have full control of their bodies. Depending on the individual puppy, the breed and how much effort you put in the training, it may take up to 8 months to have a completely housetrained dog. Accidents will probably happen at night since the puppy may not be able to hold it in for many hours at a time initially. However do not despair; as long as the puppy is consistently going outside during the day he will soon learn that toileting means going outside when he has better control of his body.

    You can also have your puppy in his crate in your room initially so that you can listen for the signs. If your puppy cries during the night pay attention to him and take him outside immediately. Do not fuss him or play with him, just go outside with him for a few minutes until he eliminates, praise him and then calmly and quietly take him back to sleep in his crate. This way the puppy doesn't think that three o'clock in the morning is a good time to play.


    Remember prevention is the key to successful housetraining. Take things slowly, have consistency and keep a routine. Be fair and kind to the young life endowed into your care. You will soon be enjoying happy, mess-free days with your best friend.

  2. you have to make sure you are constant and take him out constantly and if he goes inside make sure you say in a stearn voice "no" and then take him out right away..also put him in a cage when leaving the house until he learns

  3. Go to and buy the book, "How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days" by S. Kalstone.  It costs about $8.00, it's easy to read and understand and easy to do.  Better yet, it works great!  You can have it overnight shipped to you so you can get started right away. You won't be sorry unless you DON'T buy the book.

  4. Olivia,

    Have you try to crate training your pug?

    Crate training is the most effective and efficient way to housebreaking your puppy no matter what is the age of your pup.

    But make sure you do it the right way. I have some tips for you.

    First, I would suggest you to attract them by putting some toys in the crate which will ease their boredom and increase the capability of adapting. Give them or reward them with some treats which will be eye-catching to them! Reward them with their favorite treats. Remember, rewarding during dog training is very important as by rewarding your dogs will only feel attracting to follow your instructions.

    How to “invite” your dogs into the crate?

    Prepare dog training treats; pitch the treat into the crate which will attract him to jump into the crate. When crate training a dog, choose a word that will be consistent such as “inside” or “kennel”, where slowly they will understand the word “ inside” or “kennel” to be “inside/kennel” + “ crate” will is equivalent to “ treat” which is appealing to them! Whenever you shout the word “inside/kennel” they will be waiting for their treats inside the crate! Great job, these make training your dog job easy and let your dog enjoy!

    After getting into the crate how to make them stay in the crate for a period of time? This is another issue that you might need to learn and understand. Leave toys, blanket, or snack bones which can grab their attention for some time, to bite, chew or cleaning. Dogs can bite a toy for some period of time, they are addicting to biting the toys and will keep on enjoy biting it without feeling bored! But, do not give them all the toys they used to have as dogs are easily get bored, you might want to varies the toys or snacks which will be always appealing to them!

  5. i saved a jack russel milo from a bad owner and he wsnt toliet trainne dhes a year old!

    i took him out every 15 mins and praised and gave him treats when he did his business, if he peed or messed in the house i would say NO! in a sturn voice not loud. my milo has gone up to 4 hours without needing the toliet and doesnt mess in the house. it takes time effort and patience but it ca be dont my milo is prove :)

    please read my question thank you

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