
Housework in your Household?

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Who does the majority of the housework in your house? You, your spouse, service?




  1. I do most of the house work. My wife does all the laundry and bill paying.

  2. I do the majority, but my husband helps out a lot.  He likes things clean so he has no qualms about picking up a broom and sweeping or even scrubbing the floors.  The only chore he hates is doing the laundry.

  3. Family of five...I am happily married with 3 children ages 17, 12, and 11.  I work outside of the home.  At the present moment my husband is not working, and I don't seem to have a problem with it, because he does make sure everything is taken care of at home, ex. house chores, getting kids to school everyday on time, taking me to work @ 5:00 a.m. (5 days a week), and picking me up.  I love my husband very much, he does not drink or do drugs.  Yes it is a struggle at times, but the love we share we overcome a lot of obstacles that may arise.   Oh by the way, I am the only person to do the laundry.  My children have their chores, so basically every one helps out.  

  4. I do most of it, but rely on my kids to do their part by picking up behind themselves and keeping their rooms clean.  I hire someone to come in and do a "deep clean" a couple of times a year.  I'm divorced, so it's all on me for the most part.

  5. I do. The daughter type thing.

  6. I do...along with the yard, the pool and animals....I'm with under paid work horse....who needs a vacation!!!!!!!

  7. My husband, actually.  I've been slacking for a while now, poor guy.

  8. We always have tried to share most of it.

  9. My fits that are thrown when it comes to that laziness gets everyone up and moving.

  10. She takes care of the inside and I take care of the outside.  If she can get the kids to help her than she is better off.

  11. my answer is exactly like Dap's answer.  that's my life too.

  12. Me, The mother, the work horse, the kids do nothing, they are lazy like their father.!!!!!

  13. I do.  My daughter does her laundry once in awhile and cleans her room.  Dishes cooking moping bathroom and the rest, I do.  My husband does his own ironing.  Not because he wants to.  But because  I refuse to do it.

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