
How's my bboying (breakdancing)? [VID]?

by Guest32983  |  earlier

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how's my breakdancing?

this is me after 3 weeks of practice...

Any tips, advice, constructive criticisms would b appreciated.


*music was added later on so if my toprock isnt "with the music" that is why.

btw, im 16 if age has anything to do with the "expected skill level"...




  1. Honestly, I don't know much about break dancing, but I think it looks really good! =D

    Also it's really impressive that you have only been doing that for 3 weeks!

    I like that in the end you do that cool thing  you do with your head! Good luck with that, its coll your should defiantly pursue that it looks like fun!

  2. Not bad after 3 weeks. I could only imagine how good you'll be after about a year. Keep at it.

  3. Keep working at it! You'll get better!

    Answer mine?;...

  4. As a sports coach, I can advise you that you will never be able to dance at a level where you are completely confident and accomplished without proper feedback.

    To me I think you have the rudimentary potential, certainly the core body balance and motor skill, but get to a class, if for no other reason than the social aspect. You will learn so much more and enjoy the craic from people with the same interests.

    The most important thing is to stick at it! Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough to do it. If you want to, and are willing to put in the hard work you WILL. It's that simple.

    Aim high and ENJOY every second of it, if it becomes a chore then forget it, then you'll know it's not for you!

    All the best... maybe see you on a Justin Timberlake video soon!

  5. I think it is okay. You could use some more practice. You'll get there...good luck! Keep practicing!


  6. More practice, but you're good so far! :)

  7. yea ur quite good considerin uv only been at it 3 weeks with some more practise u cud be awsum maby sign up for a breakdancing class for more experience. x

  8. Its good

  9. It was pretty nice considering the fact it's only been 3 weeks. I also LOVE that glide move at the beginning. Keep up the good work.

  10. DUDEEEE im diggin it! ur extremely good for just 3 weeks of practice! keep doin wut ur doin and u'll be good in no time. ur top rocking needs sum work but ur footwork from the 6/4 steps are good. u really did a good job not rushing anything and just keepin the flow. good job! u should be proud.

  11. I hate to break it to you, but you need ALOT of work.....I suggest a class of some sort . and a different, less boring routine..

    sry to be the bad news bear ..

  12. Considering you have only been doing it for 3 weeks you are pretty good.  Would love to see how much you improve in another 3 weeks.  

    I hope you continue to take lessons and maybe someday we will get to see you on "So You Think You Can Dance".  That would be awesome.

    Keep on dancing !

  13. i think you definitely have potential, what you did so far was good but with more practice you'll be great :)

  14. I think it's okay. But the off rhythm is keeping it from being better.

    Just keep practicing.

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