
How Big Does Dalmations Get?

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  1. the ideal weight is not much more than 70lbs, but dals are not for everyone and if you want one it is MUCH more than just cute little spots for instance

    1. they have a higher ureic acid content than anyother breed, there for it puts them a double the risk for ureic acid stones, which can be fatal if not taken straight to the vet

    2. because of their ureic acied levels they need a very special and particular diet, of very low purine, no regular dog food will do. and only special meats and NEVER organ meats, all too often veternarians do not reconize when a ureic acid stone has formed unless the dal is popular in the area

    3. they were bred to clear area for wagons to come through and are RUNNING dogs, if you will not spend at least 3 hours a day walking, exercising and training your dal then a dal is not for you.

    4. if not properly socialized then your dal will become aggressive to you, strangers and other dogs they need to be well socialized as pups and even more consistantly as adult dogs, this is not something to fool around on, if you do not want to spend countless hours socializing you dal pup and adult a dal is not for you

    5. great percent of dals are born deaf.

    6. the breed is known for hearing and eye problems along with elbow and hip displaysia

    7.. while it may seem a sign of aggression the dals are the only breed with the actual muscles  to smile, which alot of time is mistaken for a snarle, but don't make the mistake of it being a smile and an actual leave me alone gesture so another words if you can't read body language a dal is not right for you

    8. they need experienced handlers and if this is your first dog I highly suggest another breed.

    I don't want this to  seem as a ploy but just need you to know how difficult the dal breed is and if not on a proper diet, you can pay 1000 AND 1000 of dollars in surgeries to correct it, so if  you don't have extra money a dal is diff. not for you

    if you have done your research besides just reading my answer and you feel you can take care of one go for it and good luck just be absouletly sure you can so many end up sheltered and euthanized cause people want the dog from 101 dalmatians

    edit: by the way it is DALMATIAN when doing your research make sure you bring up correct results good luck, hope you get the dog that is right for you.

    EDIT; chelsea not to be rude but you shouldn't suggest a dal or any breed for that matter on what little info you got, that is how misplaced dogs get misplaced and end up on an unexperienced handler and maybe you do have a dal but anyone who owns one know there are very few people who can handle them and no dal owner will reccommend them unless the soon to be owner can prove he or she has done research, leads me to believe you know nothing of the breed let alone own one.

  2. I seen them from 65- 95 pounds

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