
How Can I Tell....? amp help!!?

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How Many Channel An Amp Is By Looking At It? Ive Tried Asking Here If Anyone Knows What The Specs Are On This [EBAY/no brander] Amp But I Got Two Answers - One Saying 4 channel and pretty powerful another saying 2 channel.

Again The model is - Rockwood USA amp - 334x 365CRX (300 watts) and thats all i know about it. Cheap rip off of rockford i guess.

So yeah if anyone can tell me honestly how many channel amp this is or how i can find out myself how many channel it is please tell!





  1. ok if you want to know how many ch's a amp is just count how many  speaker conections the amp has. if only has 1 positive and one negitive then it's a 1 ch amp. if there are 2  of the same it's a 2 ch  so just count the speaker conections. i found a amp that might be like your amp  and it's a four ch amp. ok just can't find anything on that amp only these two. it'll work fine. if it's a four ch amp i think it 600watts if it's 2ch amp it might be 400watts.  

  2. i googled it all i could find is 300watts 2 channel and retail price was $90.00

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