
How Can I get pokemon red

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I really want to get Pokemon Red.

The closest gamestop to me is the one on Hallroad/Gratiot.

(The one by the Target in a plaza)

Does that one still have the game in stock?)




  1. Gamestop's dont sell old games anymore, they only sell

    PS2, XBOX, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360, PS3, DS, GBA, PC games

    they do occasionally have 'Retro Rack' things where they sell old games, but it's not popular games that you can find there.

    So your best bet is eBay.

  2. why would u want that? its old


  4. Take the ROM at and download its player:

    For start playing: click on the program with the gameboy icon and follow:

    FILE > OPEN > (Browse the game where you save it) and it works. So you can play it easily!

    P.s.: if you download Fire Red, remember of doing this:

    OPTIONS > EMULATOR > SAVE TYPE > FLASH 128K (F,LASH 64K doesn't make Fire Red work).

    After done this reset the game (CTRL + R).

  5. get it off of ebay gamestop wount have it at all there are many sellers on ebay who have it look:

  6. They have the game in stock but they have it used not new they stopped making those type of games unless the new ones are there such as diamond and pearl.

  7. (Just so you know, I don't think anyone knows what Gamestop your talking about. Especially if you don't say what state you live in. =D) Gamestop sells Gameboy Colour games in their 'bargain bins', and in the clear display boxes underneath the counters. Maybe you'll be able to find one there? There are some game realtors that specifically sell old or used game systems-- I know here in Texas near Austin there's a new store called.. Game.. something or other. I've only been there once; sorry, I don't remember the name. But they sold old SNES games for 50 cents each; if you've got a store like that where you live, then you'll most likely find Pokemon Red there.

    Or, you could get the game from somewhere like Amazon or EBay.

    Try calling your local EBGames or Gamestop store. Ask if they have any used copies of the game, or if they could locate the closest one available to you. (Which they /will/ do; I had a store do it once for me.)

    Hope this helped, and good luck! =D

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