
How Did Obama & McCain Do Tonight?

by Guest64956  |  earlier

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At Rick Warren's forum in Orange County, CA?

Here's how I saw it.................

If you are basically a follower, who lacks an education, who has never held an important leadership position, you will think that:

1) Obama was indecisive, boring, talked too much and is not ready to lead.

2) McCain was simple and to the point, saw things black & white, as all issues should be seen. He also seems like someone who will use your tax dollars in an aggressive manner to kill Arabs and the evil Muslims abroad.

If you are educated and have been in a leadership position before, you will think that:

1) Obama was thoughtful in attitude, and is someone likely to carefully rationalize his decisions with intellectual responsibility and judicial prudence.

2) John McCain is just the kind of white old skool political huckster, who has conned voters a million times before. In addition, he is basically a military hawk full of self righteousness, who is far more likely to make knee jerk decisions based on the advice of misguided subordinates.

Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

You Agree?? Disagree? Explain?




  1. For the most part I agree.  I still think McCain (if elected) is going to better than Bush, but not much better.

  2. I disagree. A follower who lacks an education will always hear pretty much what he wants to hear and come away with the satisfaction that his candidate won the evening.

    I tried as hard as I could to try and remain unbiased - and I believe McCain came off as having a much better grip on the reality of the concerns and dangers presently facing this nation.

  3. Ooh... Fightin' words!

    But anyway.... i agree, but wouldn't consider the opposition to be 'uneducated' so much as just plain evil.  

    I dont think these public speak-offs are true testament of leadership.  Although charisma and knowledge of big words help, they're not important.  So what if Mccain is better at answering questions.. he's only been doing it for 109 years?  So called experience is overrated, and that's basically all that he has over Obama.  

    These angry old white men need to go back to their golf courses and country clubs and let someone else get this country out of the mess that their greed has created.

  4. mccain kicked butt...obama looked slow and indecisive!! his true self with out the teleprotpter!

    Obama lost without a teleprompter

  5. well... perhaps a little over the top...

    but yes, to a degree...

    did McCain say one thing that Reps disagree with?

    what happened to the "straight talk express" that says things that you're not happy about but need to hear?

    If I was trying to say exactly what that crowd wanted to hear... it would have sounded just like McCain... kind of odd for a "Maverick" that thinks outside the

  6. I disagree with both. You sound like a typical left-wing loon who won't look at all angles of things.

    Obama never gave a straightforward answer. He would always beat around the bush and give partial-answers. And if his wife and his grandmother are his political advisors, I don't want him in the Oval Office, or them as his secretary of state and defense. However, even as a strict Conservative, tonight made me like him a little better, though I still don't like that stupid egomaniac.

    McCain was always right on the money. He didn't play the typical politician game by beating around the bush like Obama. He answered every question just how it was supposed to be answered. McCain chose three (three, like the question specified) good people to go to when he needed them. But, then again, he is pretty good at the Q&A type of thing. Maybe experience does help.

    Next time if you want to evaluate something like this, look at it from all angles, and don't be so pigheaded.

  7. Obama was TERRIBLE.  Changed my vote from "none of the above" to McCain.....But it's not election day yet.

    Yeah amanda....McCain loves wars.  Yeah, all those stories about being in Vietnam.. I got that feeling too.  He just wishes he could be captured again, huh?  Puhleeeze, come capture me and torture me.....Pleeeeze....???

  8. You don't want any opinions.. you want us to all agree with you or else we are apparently uneducated.  What a snob you are.

    McCain wiped the floor with Obama... His experience and humility were refreshing.  i am not a republican but if I had to choose, I will choose McCain.

    Obama and his bumbling answers and his unwillingness to meet McCain head on were  so very clear to see.

  9. obama revealed more inner self. mccain revealed his old tactics...basically wars, wars, i love wars.

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