
How Energy Conscious Are You?

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Serious question for once as our gas and electric bills in the shared house are getting a bit out of hand. We use energy-saving lightbulbs now but have washing machine, electric shower, TVs, computers (obviously), and dehumidifiers (necessary). The difficulty in a shared house is that some of us regard luxuries as necessities - possibly including myself in some instances...and this makes it very hard to keep those shared bills low. Therefore, any other money-saving tips?

My own most recent is use of dried, skimmed milk as it costs less, appeals less to those who would borrow it and requires considerably less effort to carry home from the supermarket.




  1. Nice looking outside the box with the powdered milk also costs less for the dairy to transport.  Turn off lights when you leave the room don't let the water run meet with roomies and discuss.  Because knowledge is power.

  2. cut down to one tv..we only have one tv anyway, take all plugs out of sockets when not in use..

    hope this helps

  3. Hi, we're getting more green conscious in our family-basically doing the same stuff that everyone else has mentioned, weve taken it a step further and signed up for this:

    which gives you 100% hydro electricity-hopefully reducing our carbon footprint just a little...........

  4. This is just the start of rising energy costs so although it is difficult in a shared house I think you should get together with your housemates and discuss how you will collectively reduce your energy consumption as well as other money saving tips.

    We are in a similar position, sharing our house with our two kids and mother in law has a separate part of the house.

    So my top tips are:

    *Get into the habit of turning appliances off when not in use.

    *Put automatic door closers on rooms which are heated

    *Buy energy efficient appliances as you need to replace old ones.

    * Hang thick curtains over windows to keep rooms warm or cool.

    *Draft seal, lag hot water tanks and look at grants/landlord for home insulation.

    *Grow some of your own food and herbal teas.

    *In summer eat more raw fresh foods and use the microwave or slow cooker in winter rather than the oven.

    *Trees in the garden cast shade over the house in summer keeping it cool and protect from cold winds in winter, preventing chilling.

  5. Make sure nothing is left on stand by, unplug unused appliances such as plug in air fresheners and phone charges.

    If you don't have double glazing you can get a film that you put over windows to keep heat in and you can get grants for energy efficient heating and cavity wall insulation in the UK. Make sure the loft is insulated and put draft exclusion foam around doors. Also a door curtain on the external doors.

    Money saving tips:- buy food in bulk such as grains, flour and pulses. Get cooking from fresh, ready meals and fast foods are really wasteful & they contain a lot of extra packaging. Asian and African food stores are the best place to get food such as rice and spices.

    Wash at 30-40 degrees only and on the shortest cycle you can get away with and dry washing outside not in a dryer where possible. Set a menu for the week before you shop and buy only what you need & don't fall for the "special" offers (buy one get one free) unless you know it will be used or can be stored. Freeze bread to fill the freezer as an empty freezer uses more electric.  And lastly put a small plastic bottle filled with water in your toilet cystern and walk or cycle places rather than catching a bus or driving.

  6. I'm not there yet, but then I don't share my bills.

    I do put off using the AC for as long as I can.

  7. I think I am very energy concious, not sure I see your point re dried milk though, as it it comes from the mammal in the "wet" state it must take a phenomenal amount of energy to reduce it to powder form!!

    Yes Flower, I re read your post and realised what you were saying xx

  8. I try.. I use energy efficient light bulbs.. and switch off my TV etc at the wall socket.. always use cooler wash cycles to do laundry.. hang washing outdoors to dry etc..  but I do it because electricity is expensive & if everyone does things like this the planet will benefit.

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