
How I speak english in fluently?

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I read regulerly english newspaper,magazins,novels and try to speak in english in my friend campus




  1. Well, try to learn all the basics first because they are the one mostly used....

  2. just keep speaking it with native english speakers, unfortunately there isn't really another way


  4. Keep on reading those and also watch classic English movies....keep talking in English whenever possible.....dont get embarassed even it gets wrong....also pay no attention to others...also try to write some essays in English and then read it yourself which will help you to improve your grammar...

  5. Question and answer yourself. Its like talking to oneself, but do it in your home not on streets or campus, you know what I mean.

  6. the best way would be to study in an english speaking country. If you want to speak english then you have to live english. Studying in an english speaking country will force you to learn the language, because otherwise you starve and your stomach is a wonderful teacher. If that is not possible then the next best thing is to hear as much of it as possible.  as silly as it sounds get children's televison shows such as sesame street. Children must learn to pronouce correctly and children shows often speak slowly enough and clearly that teach great phonics for new speakers. If you are beyond that get books on tape. they can be found cheap. Listen to them like you would music. The person reading will speak in a clear voice and help you train your ear to good clear speaking.

    good luck

  7. I know to write letters,etc in 2 languages (not my mother tongue ) but i can't speak them. When others speak i can understand and speak vaguely. I only understand 2 other languages which i can't write also and can't speak also. I can speak as well as write 2 other languages. But this was possible only because i started speaking even if it was wrong and slowly i could speak properly. So, only if you use it/ speak in the language, you can get it.

  8. Watch the 9 'o' clock movie on HBO every night if you are in India. The have English sub titles for the dialogs. That way, you will improve your reading and listening skills for English at the same time. You will also understand how conversations are carried out in everyday situations and can practice the same everyday.

  9. practice

  10. Try to Read Daily English Magezines like "The Hindu" "The Economic Times" and try to speak by using one or two or words from it daily.

    You can automatically start to speak english fluently as what I did.

  11. Watch English News and Read 30 Min News Paper Daily in Front of Mirror , after some time you will see that ur English will improve day by day.

  12. Get the grammar correct. Increase your vocabulary, get synonyms of most spoken words. Then practice with your friends. Then try to think in English, rather than in your mother tongue

  13. so ur going great..just start reading aloud so that u become confident of ur own voice and simultaneously have a go at Ur friends also

  14. Just be around people who speaks english fluently and keep speaking with them. practice makes perfect. but it should be the right practice with the right people

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