
How Many Girls..............?

by Guest56014  |  earlier

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How many girls in your contacts showing their b***s on their avatar?

is it a fashion now?




  1. likey likey!

  2. not enough, but there are a few..if its not a fashion yet can we make it one?

    edit:  evly, dont mean to drool on u, but please do!!

  3. None. My contacts have self respect.

  4. None and i think it is becoming a fashion thing

  5. Not one poor AVATAR lol

  6. nope.

    I have fans though oddly that do.

  7. I don't think any of mine are

  8. none

  9. none, sorry

  10. Zero, I don't have that kind of contacts!

  11. None. Showing b***s constitutes showing nipple and neathage. None are doing that. Believe me I would've noticed.

  12. None.  But the question is: do I really want some chicks boobage in my contacts, well, contacting me?

    No thank you.

  13. None but the girls that do will grow out of it I'm sure.

  14. Should i take my top off..........x


  15. They don't have brains in their heads and that's the only way they are gonna get picked for best answer - by the men anyway!

  16. 0

  17. none of my contacts... lol..cuz all the girls in my contacts are hot on their Avatar..all the girls I know are have values and respects for their body..  

    its not fashion.. lol...

  18. none what so ever

  19. 75%


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