
How Much Would It Be..?

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To get my kitten declawed (I dont care if you dont agree with that, He's an inside cat) And to get him completly FREE of fleas. At the vet? How much would it be?




  1. I think about $100

  2. Well, all vets are different. Contact your vet and ask them. It could be $100-$300+. So call your local vet and ask them.

  3. Sorry, I don't know about declawing, but I'd imagine each vet's fees would vary slightly. You want to make sure the vet knows what he or she is doing: one who doesn't can cause all kinds of trouble.

    To answer your question about fleas, though, feline Advantage works remarkably well. It's a one-a-month topical treatment. In some states you can buy it at big-box pet supply stores.  

  4. First how come almost every response is telling you not to declaw your cat. It is your decision. I would say to please speak with a veterinarian before hand so you understand the procedure fully. Also please make sure you follow the go home instructions. Purchase paper litter and keep the kitten calm. Check the paws daily to make sure they look good.

    Normally a declaw surgery will run between $200-300 dollars depending on where you are from. This cost should cover the anesthetic, the surgery, and hospitalization for two nights. Not included but normally recommended are preanesthetic blood work and iv fluids.

    As far as the fleas go. It will cost around $10-15 bucks for one application of Frontline or Advantage which will last a month. Also if you see fleas now you should ask for a Capstar to be given at the same time which costs around $5 bucks. If your buying a full package of the Frontline/Advantage it could go up to around $40-50.  

  5. save money, clip the cats nails weekly & buy it something to scratch on :)

  6. Just so you know even if your cat gets declawed he could still get fleas especially if you have any dogs. (sometimes a flea can jump on you then jump off after you in side)

  7. Flea treatments are relatively inexpensive - about $25.

    Declawing is a surgical procedure and more expensive. The cat has to be put under anesthesia because it is such a severe mutilation. The cats claws are clipped off at the bone using rusty bolt cutters. The cat usually bleeds uncontrollably. Sometimes infections develop and other times complications result. The cat will experience excruciating pain in the days following the amputation. It will alter the way the cat normally walks and balances itself. It will eliminate the cats primary means of defense and these cats usually go on to become biters. And since the claws are such an integral part of the cats life, it changes their personality. You end up with an angry cat that is no longer considered a cat.

  8. You are free to call around the vets in your area and get a price quote. Unfortunately, your cat is not free and cannot make the decision to keep his claws.

    Read up on declawing before you make irreversible step. You'll be glad you did and I hope you will change your mind.

    A vet's office will also be happy to give you a quote for flea treatment.

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