
How Should My Jump Shot Be?

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I have a very quick release, but im kind of slow getting into the air.

My question is, should i try to be more explosive in my leap as to force other players to react quicker, or should i keep my shot as is?




  1. When you shoot your jump shot, it shouldn't before, let it all flow out..

    so when your practicing don't force yourself into the shot just shoot normally.

  2. Ask yourself two questions

    1. Do I constantly make jump shots in game situations?

    2. Is it easy for me to get my shot off in game situations?

    If your answer is yes to both of them don't change a thing. If your answer is no to #2 then you need to work either on body positioning (if you know how to use your body as an offensive player you don't need to be explosive athletically to score the ball) or explosiveness.

    If your answer is no to #1 you need to focus on B.R.R. Balance, Release, Repetition.

    Jump 18 Inches Higher By October

  3. Like poetry in motion. Explosive poetry in motion.

  4. It should be like your free throw

  5. If nobody can catch up with your shot but you clang 8 out of every 10 of them off the rim, I don't see what the point is.

  6. dont keep on changing ur shots then u get all ur shots mixed up and u get a really bad shoot

  7. my advice is to not think so much about your shooting. to do so you'd have to have perfect form, and follow through. When you get the hang of perfect form, you practice it right under the basket and swish every shot. Remember to put arc on the shot and USE your legs.

    Now about being more explosive and quick release, again don't even think about your shot while you're shooting. When you perfect your form, you won't need to think, its automatic, and in your muscle memory. Learn from the best.

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