
How To Boost Low Self Esteem?

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I have very low self esteem. I sometimes hate myself because I look in the mirror and think "Oh good god!" I must admit I do sometimes feel better to put my pictures on here. Only because The person doesn't know you and they can tell you straight out whether your ugly or not. When I look in a white light I have dark circles under my eyes. Like I smoke 50 F a g s a day, I don't even smoke. I have terrible skin it's awful. Somedays I do feel happy about myself then the next day I can feel as low as to actually thinking of killing myself. Is there any way of boosting low self esteem? I think a lot of young teenage girls would like to know.




  1. Sounds like you are suffering from depression more than just self esteem.  Check with your doc about meds there are some great meds with minor side effect that will make you feel much better about yourself if you take them consistently and give them some time to work.  

  2. All I can say is you just have to get over the outside!!!

    I mean think of it this way you never know what is going to happen

    so you gotta go out there be happy and live life don't worry about all that stuff cuz it will just drag you down

  3. Just think positive  

  4. well i have a friend who has very low self asteem, and she feels the best when she isn't concentrating on her looks. the same gose for me but i don't have as much trouble in the area of self asteem as her. also it helps to have some friend who will consistantly match the bad that ur saying about urself with good. it helps u to keep a positive outlook. and the whole bad skin thing, u and all other teens buddy. don't feel so lousy about it, and don't think about it as much, i feel best when i haven't looked in a mirror in a few hours. mirrors just help u to focus on bad. remember to, it's the inside that counts anyway, im u will feel a whole lot better about urself if u love whats inside u, not how u look. and killing urself is not a option. like im serious, don't even hink about it becuz its sooooo not worth it. i garuntee that sumone is gonna think ur beautifull and it wont be to make u feel better, it will be becuz they really think u are. becuz seriously, u prolly are. its just that u let ur self asteem issuse eat away at u. also i would consider seeing a counsoler becuz they really do help. killing urself would be a wast of a beautifull person. thats basicly all i have to say, i do have a suggestion though for ur skin, try proactive, and don't overwash. a huge mistake lots of peeps make is overwashing but that just makes ur skin produce extera oil wich makes more zits. just follow the directions on the bottle and itll help. i would look up how to keep ur skin nice online to, there are alot of helpfull tips.  

  5. Step One

    Stop comparing yourself with other people. There will always be some people who have more than you and some who have less. If you play the comparison game, you'll run into too many "opponents" you can't defeat.


    Step Two

    Stop putting yourself down. You can't develop high self-esteem if you repeat negative phrases about yourself and your abilities. Whether speaking about your appearances, your career, your relationships, your financial situation, or any other aspects of your life, avoid self-deprecating comments.


    Step Three

    Accept all compliments with "thank you." Ever received a compliment and replied," Oh, it was nothing." When you reject a compliment, the message you give yourself is that you are not worthy of praise. Respond to all compliments with a simple Thank You."


    Step Four

    Use affirmations to enhance your self-esteem. On the back of a business card or small index card, write out a statement such as "I like and accept my self." or "I am valuable, lovable person and deserve the best in life." Carry the card with you. Repeat the statement several times during the day, especially at night before going to bed and after getting up in the morning. Whenever you say the affirmation, allow yourself to experience positive feelings about your statement.


    Step Five

    Take advantage of workshops, books and cassette tape programs on self-esteem. Whatever material you allow to dominate mind will eventually take root and affect your behavior. If you watch negative television programs or read newspaper reports of murders and business rip off; you will grow cynical and pessimistic. Similarly, if you read books or listen to programs, that are positive in nature, you will take on these characteristics.


    Step Six

    Associate with positive, supportive people. When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly put you and your ideas down, your self-esteem is lowered. On the other hand, when you are accepted and encouraged, you feel better about yourself in the best possible environment to raise your self-esteem.


    Step Seven

    Make a list of your past successes. This doesn't necessarily have to consist of monumental accomplishments. It can include your "minor victories," like learning to skate, graduating from high school, receiving an award or promotion, reaching a business goal, etc. Read this list often. While reviewing it, close your eyes and recreate the feelings of satisfaction and joy you experienced when you first attained each success.


    Step Eight

    Make a list of your positive qualities. Are you honest? Unselfish? Helpful? Creative? Be generous with yourself and write down at least 20 positive qualities. Again, it's important to review this list often. Most people dwell on their inadequacies and then wonder why their life isn't working out. Start focusing on your positive traits and you'll stand a much better chance of achieving what you wish to achieve.


    Step Nine

    Start giving more. I'm not talking about money. Rather, I mean that you must begin to give more of yourself to those around your. When you do things for others, you are making a positive contribution and you begin to feel more valuable, which, in turn, lifts your spirits and raises your own self-esteem.


    Step Ten

    Get involved in work and activities you love. It's hard to feel good about yourself if your days are spent in work you despise. Self-esteem flourishes when you are engaged in work and activities that you enjoy and make you feel valuable. Even if you can't explore alternative career options at the present time, you can still devote leisure time to hobbies and activities, which you find stimulating and enjoyable.


    Step Eleven

    Be true to yourself. Live your own life - not the life others have decided is best for you. You'll never gain your own respect and feel good about yourself if you aren't leading the life you want to lead. If you're making decisions based on getting approval from friends and relatives, you aren't being true to yourself and your self-esteem is lowered.


    Step Twelve

    Take action! You won't develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from challenges. When you take action - regardless of the ensuing result - you feel better about yourself. When you fail to move forward because of fear and anxiety, you'll be frustrated and unhappy - and you will undoubtedly deal a damaging blow to your self-esteem.  

  6. jet pack

  7. Find something you're good at and then find people who aren't as good and dominate them. In terms of looks, you should find somebody who likes you for who you are and ask them if looks matter. You know what the answer will be, but hearing it out loud is good support.

    Hope it helps?

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