
How about this head shot?

by  |  earlier

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is that a good head shot to start with until i have money to get another one?

I still look like that. my friend told me i still look the same since i did when i was in 3rd grade. haha.





  1. I'm sorry but no,it looks like a photo that you could post up on myspace.Casting directors want to see you work for it,for example,spending money on professional photographers.

    EDIT:EXACTLY what Bree said.It wouldn't be fair if everyone else paid hundreds of dollars on headshots :P

  2. No, definitely not. It looks extremely amateur, because your arm is up (presumably holding the camera?) and it looks as if you've forgotten to comb your hair. If you can't afford a professional photographer, at least find a friend with a really good camera and have them take it for you.

  3. Not really. It doesnt look professional. Maybe you can take the picture with you against a while wall.  

  4. no it's not professional enough. if you have a friend that's into photography, ask them to help you out. take the file (if camera is digital) and then print out your own copies so that your friend isn't wasting money on you.  

  5. It's good enough to start with, but I'd get a new one as soon as you can. You might want to practice with a friend to get some good poses down, too. You probably don't want to have your neck and shoulders posed as they are in this photo. If your arm was down it would probably work better. Maybe play around with cropping it so you can't tell your arm is up. Don't know if that will work and keep the right dimensions. (If you mess around with it in photoshop, always keep the original intact and play with copies!)

    You're obviously very pretty, but I don't think that headshot does you justice. You need to stand out in your headshot, you need to pop out at the casting director. Also, often professionally done headshots are slightly touched up to make the skin look really nice, or professional make up is done. It looks like you have really good skin, but its hard to convey that in close ups.

    If you can't afford a professional photographer, see if any of your friends can do a good job, or contact a local college photography teacher. Often the students need models and the models need photos, and some of the students can be pretty good.

    If you go to a professional, be sure they have LOTS of experience in doing headshots and that they know what style is popular now. Check out the websites below to get an idea of good headshots.

    Here is some info and headshots for you to look at:

    Good luck!

  6. No it looks like a myspace photo lol cute for myspace bad for casting directors, you want them to take you seriously you know? lol

    Wish you luck i just payed 500$ for mines so it wont be easy lol


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