
How are the Israeli guys?

by  |  earlier

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Like are they very straight forward or more shy?

Is it common to date before going in to a relationship? like as in america?

and how do they like theire girls? to act and to look? :)

especially the ones with moroccan/arabic background ;)




  1. the israeli guys are great, very good looking, friendly and warm.

    they are westernized, so the dating is similar to the states.

    every guy likes his girl to look differently and look for different things in a relationship

  2. 1- They have big noses... that is a universally known fact about them LOL

    2- Yes, just make sure you're the one paying lol. Jews are also known for being stingy.

    3- I don't know, but I hope they don't "like their girls" to act anything but themselves, and you can't really change how you look! That question just screams "insecurity" to me, sorry

    4- Yes, I don't blame you... Arab guys are the hottest and most passionate lovers!

  3. Dandyl is very correct.  People like logic should not be allowed on these forums.  I have not seen her give an actual answer to a question yet.  Just hate.  

    Dandyl answered very correctly, there was one thing she left out.  It also depends, very much, on where you are in Israel.  Most of them will not care about your background...they will care more about what you do now.  But your location is Israel will tell you, for the most part, what a guy likes.  

    The 2 examples I have is Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.  These 2 cities are night and day.  I noticed that the girls in Jerusalem are very religious; dress in dark clothes.  The girls in Tel Aviv are more secular and dress in....nothing (it was great).  The guys are very similar.  Where in Israel are you?

  4. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Understand that in isreal the entire population is recruted after highschool and is required by law to serve in order to get into collage. so Almost all he guys will probably be enlisted and a girl friend may not be what they are looking for at that moment. They are enlisted soldiers and it is important to understand the resposiblilities of that.

  6. I had me a girl ones I asked her if she was finnish (גמרת) she said "no I'm from Norway".

    We do as most boys in a liberated society do.

    I too like ones with moroccan/mid eastern background, girls o.c !

  7. Well, if you're looking for a ''real men'',

    you should look else where.

    That's all i can tell you.

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