
How are you Irish doing?

by  |  earlier

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Coming over from England in April for first time just if you's are alright




  1. I'm doing well thanks!!

    Have fun in April!!

    Spend as long as you can here!

  2. Ah, We're grand! and Yourself!?

  3. We are getting on grand, thank you! How are you?

  4. we irish are doing the best to be sure!!

  5. not so bad thanks !!

  6. We're doing great! Yeah, I've got exams at the moment though! :'-(

    Bit cold. Before coming you should read the books by Ross O'Carroll Kelly - hilarious and based on fact and everyday life! Also look at'Carr...

  7. Ah ye we're grand...c**p weather but what can ya do??

  8. Doing fine, but a bit wet in places. Some towns are flooded with this rain .....

  9. pretty good at the mo! wbu?!

  10. Yeah doin ok, bit cold here at the mo tho!

  11. We're the most hospitable nation in the world so you're sure to have a ball.

  12. We're doing fine.  Come and enjoy your visit

  13. We are doing very well thank you very much.

  14. grand thank you and you?

  15. So long as you don't hang any monkeys (there are plenty around!)!

  16. good thanks.

    hope you have a good trip

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