
How bad is starting Middle School?

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im starting middle school on the 13 and am kinda of nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. ~* Dont be nervous!!! Im going to 8th grade and my school starts on 25th (im from houston texas) and i have to say dont be nervous, 6th grade was the best year of middle school yet. Enjoy cause when you get to 7th grade you cant wait till your last year in middle school (8th grade) so have fun with it!!! IM SURE YOU'LL HAVE FUN!!! trust me it's cool!!! *~       ~* HAVE FUN NEXT WEEK!!! *~  

                             ~* HOPE I HELPED YOU!!!!!!! *~

  2. I'm going to 8th grade and listen to me.

    1. Be confident in yourself NEVER confident NEVER second guess yourself.

    2. You don't need to wear Hollister, Abercrombie, AE to be liked, just be nice to people who are nice to you.

    3. Don't take S**t from anybody or you will be miserable.

    3. Do your homework as soon as you get home, then spend time with your friends.

    5. Respect teachers, but don't be a kiss up because nobody will like you.

    6. Don't p**s off the bus driver, they CAN make your life h**l.

    7. Don't gossip about people that is a sure way to start a fight.

    8. Don't worry about having a boyfriend, trust me it's not all it's cracked up to be.

    9.Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Have your own opinion.

    Follow these tips and middle school will be a LOT easier. TRUST ME!

  3. Everyone is nervous on the first day of school. Don't worry about it. You'll have so much fun. Just try to be as friendly as possible.

  4. heyy! i'm startin middle school too!!!! well, i just saw the middle i'm goin to a million times!!! it's not that bad cause you get to make soo many new friends!! lots of people might say that middle school will be horrible, but trust me, it isn't! just have fun girl!

  5. Everyone's middle school experience is different, so I cant tell you how it is going to go for you. All I can tell you is that it is different then elementary school, so don't expect it to be the same. Don't let the older kids boss you around. Starting middle school is not bad at all, like some of these other people are saying. Its only bad if you mess with the older kids. Just stay in sixth grade territory and you wont have a problem

  6. Trust me, it is a breeze! Teachers are surprisingly nice to you since it is your first year, and most people are nice too. I felt the same when I started middle school last year, and now I'm going to a prep school.

    Middle school is so much easier than high school, I'll tell you that much. It's definitely nothing to fret about, you'll be fine!

  7. im gonna be 13 in novmeber but in my city we start middle school in 6th grade when were 11 and 12 well honestly i hated 6th grade im hoping 7th will be better dont leave your old friends talk to them and make new friends!6th grade not gonna be what you want it to be but good luck!

  8. It's not bad it's just different.  If you go in with a positive attitude you will be fine.

  9. Im going to the 8th grade and middle school is way different from elementary, it is where popularity starts and try not being shy, make friends and be social. Don't try anything that will embarrass you. It would also be good to start a sport but only ones that you are good at. School work I don't find tough but still if it seems easy don't fall back even if school is almost over.

    I can't wait to go to's gonna be even worse.

  10. its not as hard as entering high school.

  11. Why does it have to be bad? Sure, it might be uncomfortable and awkward the first couple of days until you find your way around, be it's just the next phase of your life and time to move on. You don't want to spend your life at the tiny school for ever, right ?

  12. Look, i can def relate to this question, i just started middle school last year and i have 1 thing to say, IT'S NOT AS BAD AS YOU THINK! Middle school is just like elem school, only more upgraded. Like scheduels, gym, picking an elective. But all that can be fun if u make it like that. I know switching schools against ur will is scary but don't worry, after the first day it will seem so normal and easy. So the best thing to think when you get nerves is that everyone else is feeling the same way.  

  13. it the worse like you will get picked on alot by 7 grader and 8 grade the most just dont go to the 8 grade bathroom or the 7 grade bathroom jus stay in the 6 grade area  

  14. It's horrible!!!!

    you get TONS of homework, and the teachers spit in your face!

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