
How big is our known Universe?

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How big is our known Universe?




  1. suffice it to say, any name we put to the distance will completely erase the sheer concept of that distance.

    so putting a measurment to it will do you no good... because when you put a measurment it to it, it tends to make you lose sense of how big of a space you're really talking about.

  2. infinite

  3. 7,926.41 miles in diameter. From north pole to south pole it is 7,901 miles. The circumfrance of the earth is 24,901.55 miles.

  4. This is information from the Plejarens - ETs who contacted Billy Meier - he is a UFO contactee who has had physical contact with ETs - See the DVD "The Silent Revolution of Truth" for the evidence/proof of his contacts. [English Discussion Board]

    Our Place in the Universe

    Creation begins from an idea formed by the Absolute Absolutum - the ultimate and

    highest form of Creation.  Creation starts as a tiny speck the size of a flea of

    highly concentrated spiritual energy.  Then a "spiritual" explosion occurs,

    instantly filling the entire area the Universe initially occupies.

    Creation continues in expansion period during which celestial bodies and

    life forms are created.  Thereupon Creation begins to contract for the

    same time period as the expansion phase.  During the contraction Creation

    ceases to create new life forms.  Once Creation fully retracts into a minute,

    concentrated form, it enters a slumber state.

    Creation's twilight slumber period lasts seven times as long as the entire

    previous expansion/contraction cycle.  During Creation's twilight slumber

    our entire Universe (called the Dern) and all life ceases to exist.

    For as long as no Creational thought exists, the Universe is devoid of power,

    time and space.  There is merely duration in a nameless Nothing.  

    Only upon its renewed awakening does Creation begin to create a new idea

    for the next universe.  FOllowing the rest period, a second cycle begins

    once Creation awakens, becomes existent and repeats the expansion/contraction

    cycle.  This second "awake" period lasts for as long as the previous "rest"

    period.  This cycle repeats itself seven times in all, and in each successive

    expansion period the material created in the coarse material belt becomes

    increasingly finer and analogous to the composition of spiritual energy.

    Upon the completion of seven of those awake/slumber periods Creation evolves

    into an Ur-Creation, which itself must also go through seven steps similar to

    the previous ones.  Once the evolutionary process advances through 10 to

    the power of 49 stages, each having seven steps, Creation reaches the

    Absolute Absolutum.  However, even this is not the final level, for the

    Absolute Absolutum must evolve even higher.

    Our Dern Universe will expand for 155 x 10 power of 12 years and then contract

    over the same amount of time for a total of 311,04 x 10 to the power of 12

    (311 trillion 40 billion) years.  At the present we are nearly 46 trillion

    years into the second expansion cycle since the Big Bang took place.

  5. The *visible* universe is a sphere with a diameter of about 28 billion parsecs (about 92 billion light-years). That would work out to a spherical volume of about 4.6^32 (4.6 followed by 32 zeros) light years. Remember though that volume is constantly expanding. Also, we're talking here about the *visible* or *observable* universe. There is an unimagineably immense volume of the *entire* universe that we can never see because it's expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. That's okay with relativity because it's space that's expanding, not any 'thing' in it moving through space at FTL.

  6. 14 billion parsecs (46 billion light-years) in any direction

  7. idk 13 billion lightyears

  8. The universe has no end.  It is infintely big.

    however if you want to know how big the "known" universe is that is different.  The only way to "know" some thing is to obvserve it.  The gallaxy farthest from us that has ever been observed is 13 BILLION light years away.  

    I don't know if this helps but thats all I got sorry...

  9. Wikipedia ("size of universe") says:

    Astronomical observations indicate that the universe is 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years old and at least 93 billion light years across.

    These values are being refined as new research is done, but they're about as good as what we know in mid 2008.

  10. results say that our known universe is the 3% of the whole universe.

    we cannot measure it in km.s or in light-years.

    but bcoz it's expanding its size might be about 13,50,00,00,000 years of earth.

    and this figure has been counted by the reverse counting.

  11. it's constantly expanding

  12. The observable universe, the universe we can see is about 46 billion light-years across.

  13. The Known universe from earth to the Cosmic Light Horizon (aka: edge of the known universe)

    is 46 billion light years. Which means that if you travelled at the speed of light, it would take you 46 billion years to get to the Cosmic Light Horizon.

    The diameter of the known universe is 92 billion light years.

  14. People can not really know because it is so unimaginably vast!

  15. <---------------------------------------...

    That big.

    It's scary out there

  16. atleast 46 billion light years in any direction. that is the visible (or known) universe. the rest of it may be several times larger, but it is NOT infinite.

  17. huge.

  18. The known universe is all the universe which we can see i.e. whose light has reached us. So considering that the age of the universe is 13 billion years, the size of the known universe is a ball of radius 13 billion light years.

  19. Bigger than anyone could imagine.

  20. how would anyone ever know?

    our universe could merely be a speck of sand on the beach of the galaxy of heaven

    or it could be a piece of gum stuck to a hobo's foot

    or earphones on the ears of god

    or the fungus on the tonail of an entirely larger galaxy

  21. The known Universe is about 156 billion light years across.

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