
How can I ask him...?

by  |  earlier

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alright. so tomorrow i think im going to ask this guy to a junior/senior dance. its kind of a big deal, and i dont have a date. i have had this guy in mind for a while and we have been talking to each other more here lately and im afraid he will be to shy to ask me....anyways i guess i just need some advice on how to ask him. im not a shy person but im just scared of him saying no. and please no stupid answers. thanks(:




  1. don't be scared.  You are beautiful and confident.  Thats all you have to think.  Then go strike up some conversation, most likely some sort of compliment than move to some other subject than ask whether or not he has a date for the dance when he says no then you could casually say why not take me or something.  If he says no act like it is no big deal and finish the conversation.  He will most likely be impressed you took it that well.  However, it would take a pretty big jerk to say no, or he is really really into another girl, which he would've already asked her.  So there is a very good chance he will say yes.

    please help:

  2. just say something along the lines of " hey, I was wondering if you were planning on going to the dance on (what ever day it is), if you were would you want to go with me?"  
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