
How can I attract a Sagittarius?

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I am a male wanting to attract another male. My zodiac is CANCER, and his is SAGITTARIUS. However, it says we do not mix well, but I am right before the Leo day, so I know I can bring those qualities out. How can I attract a Sagittarius??




  1. So you're a cusp baby. You're part cancer, part Leo. I'm part gemini and cancer. I think both signs apply to me. But really the answer is be yourself. You know that already. I believe in pheromones mostly. Chemistry.

  2. I'm a sag and I'm attracted to confidence and spontaneity. sags tend to be wild, so a wild streak in a dependable partner is a perfect match for a sag.

  3. these "star signs" are absolute rubbish - pagan beliefs that really dont matter in this modern hectic lifestyle we all lead. if i were you i would ignore the star sign and just be yourself - someone will eventually fall into place! dont give up!

  4. Zodiac signs have nothing to do with it. If you're compatible together then o_o that's great but there's no set way to "attract a sagitarius" everyone is different and we all have different tastes and preferences. Good luck though o_o

  5. Go where they are....and be attractive.

    and now after reading your question a little further..... good luck with all that.

    Edit: Most likely an attractive female.

  6. Paint a target on your chest or wear Target badges.

  7. Do not believe in horoscopes and let them take you astray from God.

  8. Why add more idiots to the world's population?

  9. i'm sagittarius....haha


  10. In general Sagg's are too impulsive for Cancers, who like to plan things . This may sound trivial, but in a long term relationship it's not. Sagg's like to flirt, another sore point for Cancers, who like dependability.

    Sagg's also like to gamble, Cancer's don't, and so on. But Sun signs are only part of the story. You'd have to compare each chart thoroughly (synastry) to get a good idea if the relationship could work at all or not.

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