
How can I be more friendly??

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Does anyone have any tips on how to be more approachable and friendly.

Appreciate your answers.




  1. Always is as start thinking about it. You are obviously thoughtful and any man who is going to be doing that will probably find it a lot easier to come up with good solutions. Being more specific as to why you aren't would be good. If you have good personal hygiene and don't come across as agressive will also help. Having good communication skills and not dominating any conversation. Being interested in what others have to say. Allowing a difference in opinion. hope it goes well!

  2. Show your appreciation for the other person. In what they are and what they say and do.

  3. personality transplant ?

    if you have to "make" yourself appear more friendly than that can't be a good thing, your either naturally a friendly, approachable character or your not, theres no point trying to be something you arent

  4. It's a matter of evaluating yourself. Try asking yourself if how many friends you have before and your way in making them your friends.

    Here are another methods you may use:

    1. When talking to others, be humble and polite and be sure to make an unforgettable  remark when introducing yourself so that they will always remember you.

    2. Be sure also that you won't forget the name of the person you've known and always smile at them whenever you'll see them out there.

    3. Try cracking jokes with them when you're having a conversation but find the perfect timing.

    4. Show interest when talking to them.

    +But the best thing I can tell you is to be yourself because it is best to be loved by who you are than what they know you are but you're not.

  5. Listen



    Maintain eye contact

    Rinse and repeat

  6. This may seem stupid, but a smile goes a long way.

    Listen when people are talking to you, nod your head and contribute to the conversation.

    Don't ignore people, try to be considerate.

    Offer help when people need it.  

  7. Just be yourself Mr. K.

    Win some lose some.

  8. show interest by asking questions.

    smile and be respectful!

    but even more importantly treat others how they want to be treated not how you want them to treat you!  not everyone wants to be treated like you or me.. get my point!

    over all just be you and love yourself for who you are!

    friends will come to you once you accept that!

  9. SMATIES m8, everyone likes SMARTIES.

  10. Wipe the frown off your face and smile. Listen to what people are saying. Think about others not just yourself. Be genuine.

    Of course I don't know you and it is possible you already do these things.

  11. I work in a supermarket and so I need to be constantly friendly and approachable. Trick is to smile constantly, engage in conversation by asking a simple question such as 'what are your plans for the weekend?'. Think of some funny anecdotes and keep the conversation going by sharing interests. Some people have a knack for it others don't. Best advice though is seriously just to smile and retain eye contact definately! Don't stare though! Tends to freak people out.  

  12. Just open up! if you be yourself (im not trying to be cheesy) theres a good chance that your being the friendliest you can be!

  13. I see myself as a very approachable person--I smile alot am generally in a good mood & I try not to judge others...

  14. 1. Start conversations with new people.

    2. Chat back to people who try to talk to you.

    3. Take time to talk to people you already know.

    4. Invite people to do things with you/the group.

    5. Make an effort to bring new people into the fold and make them feel included.

    6. Go to where the people are.

    7. Make nice little gestures towards other people.

    8. Offer compliments to people.

    9. Be reasonably polite.

    10. Make sure everyone is having a good time when you're out.

    11. Spend more time with people.

    12. Be interested in what other people have to say.

    13. Genuinely like other people.

  15. -Smile.

    -Be confident, not cocky.

    -Start a conversation.

    -When talking, listen to that person.

    -Laugh when appropiate (sp?)

    -Try to make friends, not enemies(:


  16. Find something about other people that you can make a nice comment about.  Try to engage people and treat them as you would like others to treat you.

  17. Smile more & say hello hows it going.

  18. Even though it can be difficult at times, I've found that when you genuinely seem to be interested in what people are saying, and when you take an interest in their lives, what they're into, etc., it makes you more approachable.

    Using people's name when speaking to them makes them feel special and like you care as well.

    When you speak to people, look at them, and respond to what they're saying by asking follow up questions.

    Being sympathetic and responsive to people's emotions works as well.

    It's hard, especially when you have a lot of things going through your head.  It's also hard not to drift off when people are talking about something you don't really care about, but paying attention and responsive does help.

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