
How can I control my anxiety?

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My anxiety just keep shooting up. I have PTSD, Chronic Grief & Chronic Depression. I am seeing a trauma counsellor once a week, a care worker once a fortnight and I take amitriptylene and promazine.

I try hard to distract myself and keep my mind busy, but it doesn't work. I feel so sick with anxiety and my chest feels really tight.

Just wondered if anyone has found a way of controlling it or overcoming the way it makes me feel.

Many thanks.




  1. First I would ask why you are taking promazine - what I have read would seem to suggest that it is not an appropriate medication for chronic anxiety and depression but rather it is prescribed for disorders that cause loss of a perception of reality and severe personality disorders such as schizophrenia.

    I have generalized anxiety disorder.  It does not seem as severe a your anxiety, but I find that exercise helps me keep the anxiety at bay.  When I start to get that tightening in the chest, and the shortness of breath and palpitations, I go for a nice brisk walk.    

  2. Only with the practical help of an experienced psychotherapist.

  3. I would love to give you the answers sweetie but I am stuck in the same boat.

    Say a prayder.

  4. Perhaps your medications arent working or have these side effects.  Research that first and see a doctor about it.

    Also try Cognitive Behaviour Therapy:

  5. Play the piano, look at flowers

  6. I agree with the above user juju  citralopram or Celexa...

    I take that - it is an antidepressant with sedative qualities.

    Yes and cognitive therapy.

  7. I really wish I could answer that


  8. What about EMDR??

  9. Have you tried citralopram?? The only other thing I can think of is cognitive Behavioural therapy type help. To help change the negative thoughts which lead to anxiety and panic attacks.

    Hope this might help

    Good luck x ;-)

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