My daughter is three years old. She is bright, intelligent and always wants to be busy. The last few months have provided her with a lot of upheavel with the birth of her baby brother. On the whole she is perfect with him, she makes him laugh and smile and loves to help me feed, change and bath him. I have noticed that if I or another person is playing witht the baby, she always get right in there-obviously she is a bit jealous and this is how she shows it. This is not too much of a problem and we can easily cope with this. However, she has also started acting up. She can be rude, argumentative and has also taken to storming of and banging doors. When she gets tired she really acts up, she cries and cries until she gets her own way. I would have thought that by the age of three, crying because of tiredness would be a thing of the past. I know she has been through some reeally big changes recently but I can only us this as an excuse for so long. She starts nursery in September and I am