
How can I get better?

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Does anyone have any running tips or online sites where I can find running tips so I can get better? I'm a sophomore and run primarily the 800m, but also do the 5k.




  1. Just search things like, "how to train for an 800" or "how to train for a 5k" and you should find a lot of good sites

  2.  the website for the magazine

  3. I have been running for 8 years now and would recommend the following:

    I would strengthen the core: calves, quads, hams, back and abdominal (the "six pack" muscles along with the obleks), chest and arms. But when strengthening these muscles, I would focus more on the muscle endurance not the muscle bulk. For more advice for this, I would consult with a personal trainer. For the running part, I would stay flexible as it helps/contributes to your balance (so do the muscles in your core) but also helps prevent some injuries like pulled muscles and shin splints. Also, I would try to make up a schedule where you can run for X amount of days and try to have a long run. I would start off slowly, running about 2-3 miles per run for the first week and increase my mileage per week. Make sure you have the following: a good diet, hydration, sleep, a good sense on how to take care of your body, and sleep. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Good Luck!!!
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