
How can I get invited?

by  |  earlier

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I have a history of depression and suicidal thoughts because of losing friends, but no one knows about this. People treat me like I don't matter at school and sometimes I feel like they would treat me with more sympathy if they knew the hurt I've been going through. (You can read more about my situation here -;_ylt=AndxZqGWYc1XRcWWx2Cag0LuxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080823124006AA8mUOq )

Anyway, there is a group of people that I would like to be friends with, but I don't know how. I would do any thing to get invited, but my shyness and social anxiety really hold me back. I've read that I should just come out and say "I've lost all my friends and I am really depressed, I would love to hang out with you if thats okay". If someone would say that to me, I would include them in a heartbeat. But to me, coming out and saying something like that would just be awkward. But I don't know how else to get invited.

Any ideas would be so greatly appreciated!

Any other advice/comments would be so nice as well.




  1. Try sitting with them at lunch. say what you said up there but instead of hang out with. say sit with. just be yourself.

  2. just ask them. or just walk up to one of them and say hey my name is ... dont be shy . if your school has a talent show or some thing and you have a talent like singing or something write a song or just sing one and if your good people will be complimenting you all the timee

  3. I'm a school teacher and it's so interesting to watch my shy kids (I was shy myself). However, through my observations I've learned that the shy kids set themselves apart. They are so worried about Not being accepted they hide themselves within themselves and so they're never noticed. My advice to you is, step out and just start speaking to this group of people. You don't even have to introduce yourself. When you are around them, find an opportunity to chime in on a conversation. I've seen kids do this time after time and no one even blinks an eye. When I was in school, I always thought if I jumped into someone's conversation they'd say "Mind your business.!" Apparently, that's not how it works. For the Most part kids are really nice and welcoming. Take a chance; just try to show no fear (kids are kind of like dogs).

    P.S. If it doesn't work with this group, dust yourself off and try again. No worries. I'm still learning;-D    
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