
How can I help reduce stress?

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I am always so stressed out. I recently got some grey hairs because if it and I look 5 years older than I am due to it. How can I reduce stress if my life consists of stress, and I am naturally a stressful person?




  1. u can meditate and listen to water flow or listen to soothing music

  2. I learned something new. It's  body exercise. What you do is close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus your mind on your feet and work your way up to your head. This helps by relaxing you and letting go all the tension and stress you might be feeling.

    Also, take a nice long bath, light some lavender candles or any candles that invigorate your spirit. Turn off any bright lights and use the candles as ambiance. Put some bubbles in the tub, close your eyes and relax.

    If you like reading, take a book and read it before you head to bed.

    Leave your job at your job place. Don't bring it home. Tell yourself that you're not going to bring your job home.  If you need to take a shower after you work, go ahead. It's like a relief and you let all the dirt of the day leave through the shower.

    This is how I deal with my stress and job stress. There's some healthy stress, but too much bad stress is bad for you. It can cause Heart Disease and have high blood pressure. If you need something to relax with like an all natural drug-Valerian Root helps me when I need to go to sleep. Also consult your doctor before trying any pills regardless if they're herbal. I use herbals and going to a happy place before I go to bed.  

    Don't forget to count to 10 in case you feel stress coming.  

  3. Managing My Life: Managing Stress is a cost-effective, comprehensive, and extremely user-friendly e-learning course, which helps you become more relaxed, focused, and productive. The program is made up of the following two modules:

    Module One: Understanding The Dynamics of Stress will lead you to become more aware of:

    1. What stress is.

    2. The sources of stress.

    3. The relationship between health and stress.

    4. How stress affects behaviors.

    Module Two: Managing Stress Effectively leads you to learn tips and techniques to help you:

    1. Maintain a higher level of self-confidence and enthusiasm.

    2. Manage worry more effectively.

    3. Develop a network of supportive relationships.

    4. Set realistic goals and objectives and develop action plans.

    5. Learn to make faster and better decisions.

    6. Develop positive exercising and nutritional habits.

    7. Become calmer and more relaxed.

  4. Here are some tips that may help:

    1. Maintain a Healthy Diet - A healthy diet that includes fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and lean meats can do wonders for your bodys ability to handle stress. Avoid the commercially processed foods and canned foods, they are high in sodium and have additives that are not conducive to overall good health.

    2. Get Plenty of Rest - Sleep allows your body to rest and recharge so you need to get as much sleep as your body needs. This may mean eight hours for some people, more for others and even less for some people. Listen to your body to determine how much sleep you need, then do it.

    3. Take a Break - Dont push yourself. If you get tired or frustrated, take a break. Go for a walk, go outside, at least walk away. This is particularly important if you are on a job, especially if it is a high pressure job. Learn to take a break now and then. Burnout causes great stress.

    4. Dont Try to do it All - Dont try to take on everything, learn to delegate. There is nothing wrong with not being able to handle everything. You should not expect to do it so dont put that kind of pressure on yourself. You may need to learn how to say no now and then, but you will feel better in the long run.

    5. Take a Class - Enroll in a yoga class. Yoga can help you focus, find balance, be peaceful and relax. It is a great stress reliever.

    6. Expand your Mind - Take a class in something that interests you. If you are having trouble with debt, take a class in debt management. The empowerment that you can gain from learning how to manage a source of your stress is a wonderful feeling.

    7. Say No to Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes - Drugs and alcohol can only start you on a vicious circle that will ultimately destroy you. While many people claim that cigarettes calm them, nicotine is actually a stimulant and it exacerbates your stress as well as depletes your health with upper respiratory problems and other illnesses. An unhealthy body does not cope well with stress.

    8. Get some Exercise - Regular exercise can do wonders for your stress level. Take a walk, lift weights, whatever makes you feel better. The important thing is to get moving.

    9. Talk to Someone - Sometimes just talking to someone can make you feel better. If you dont have anyone close to you to talk to, talk to a therapist or counselor. If you go to church, you may have access to counseling through your church. There are many options for counseling.

    10. Believe in Something - Studies have shown that people who have some sort of faith or belief, whether it is Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith, have lower stress levels. But most of all, have faith in yourself.

    Also, remember that change takes time - there are no overnight solutions. Be your own best friend!


  5. Very oft-asked question.

    1.  Exercise

    2.  Cut caffiene

    3.  Meditate or pray

    4.  Get enough sleep

    5.  See a therapist who can help you learn how to de-stress.

    6.  Have fun--a hobby, a girls'-night-out, whatever.  Get out of the house and do something fun.  Do mani-pedi or get a massage.

    Make time for ME.  Whatever else happens, ME times come first.

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