
How can I learn to cope??

by Guest64887  |  earlier

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I was diagnosed 5 years ago with bipolar

I Use to take seroquel ,50mg/4xday for my bp. I had constant stomach pains while i was on it. so my Dr took me off and switched me on Lamictal, 100mg/4xday. I stopped taking that after 2 months because it made me sleep all the time. I was in a constant state of sedation.

I lost my insurance so i haven't been taking anything for about 4 months

For awhile i thought i could handle my swings and i was. but lately its been getting harder and harder. Its taking its toll on my life. and i really just want my life back.

I still have the stomach pains since the seroquel. Does anyone know what this could be?

Also do you have any tips,sites were i can learn to live with bp without medication and have a normal life?




  1. I haven't been diagnosed with depression, but can say I was definitely depressed..

    But I managed to overcome it because I started meditating a lot more.

    Also, alot of my friends have said that yoga and taking up a new relaxing hobby can help and bring in extra income - such as textiles, or photography.

    Good luck =]

    And do have faith in the phrase, "The mind is stronger than the body."

  2. My sister has bp. She too has no insurance, but she found a free clinic in Denver that prescribes her meds. You should check for some in your area. The stomach pain can be a sign of an ulcer, but I'm not a doctor so I won't swear. Try to eat correctly and get as much sleep as you can. If it gets to bad, you can have an emergency evaluation done at any ER. Its extreme, but it helped my sister get back on her trileptal. I'm sorry you're haveing such a rough time. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. - Izzy      

  3. Hi,

    You really do need to keep on medication with Bi Polar.

    My mum had Bi Polar and was kept on Lithium.

    I am from the UK, so insurance wasn't an issue- I presume to are from the USA.

    Please, get your insurance up to date and get back on good medication that suits you!

    Good Luck!

  4. i have suffered from tummy aches in the past, sorry to hear that, if your married, how could you lose insurance? anyway, 4 months is long time, try to help your husband be aware of his needs, it aint all about you, hit the loony bin, get hooked up with mental health, and focus on your husband, which sounds like a foreign concept. why you stopped taking meds is why your fouled up, let me know how it turns out. don't just be good, be good for something lol

  5. I have bipolar too.  You have to get on medication.  I what off my meds for 4 months and I wasn't sleep and my moods what up and down.  It's hard to cope but you have to learn your own coping skills.  No one can tell you want is going to help you cope. I have to excerise to cope with stuff and with you it is going to be different.  Coping is just something that you do so that you can get though the feeling you are having at the time.  You have to work on stuff and not just cope.  If that makes any since.  I hope this helps.

  6. is the depression and bipolar alliance and both have info on bipolar people, blogs and local support groups. A local support group might help your husband to understand, too.

    I don't know that much about BP but I'm a nurse and I learned in the hospital that the best info on cancer is not from the oncologist or oncology nurse, its the surviving oncology patient and their family. They don't just spout info. they have read, they live it the things that worked for them the horrible failures, where to get help, how to cope with the condition, ect.

    PS lack of sleep will strip you of your coping skills. Couldn't you take something for sedation just to get some rest? The whole world is too much for any absolutely exhausted person, even without any other issues to deal with.

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